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A/N: No offence to the show referenced in this scene. Or any writers. This is merely a self burn-

 Context about the nickname: I've changed Darryl's name to Bad because it feels more natural and I don't know if he's uncomfortable with his name being used or not. I might still use his real name for serious moments but don't expect it.

9th July


"I'm just saying that it's lousy writing. You can't hate someone then fall in love. How the fuck is she able to still love this blonde haired bitch even though he basically leads her on for 4 seasons? AND he is in love with her superhero persona who he doesn't know its her? You don't see me falling in love with you just because you hugged me and changed your name!"

Bad chuckled at Zak's ranting despite the love comment catching him off guard, he couldn't really be that mad over a kid show??

"Correction, you change my name. you realise this is a show for children? It literally has magic jewellery in it. Also language."

Zak rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue, pulling it back in to allow himself to further justify his hatred for this show about teenagers.

"Whatever. I just don't like the enemies to lovers trope. Seems unoriginal. I get like reconciling and stuff, but all kissy-kissy with someone you hated just seems weird. Could just be me and my hate for love or something. I don't know."

"Really. Why?" Bad asked, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. The amount of rants he's sat through you'd really think he would know, but Zak never actually told him why he hated it.

"It's just weird. Like, I don't want to feel dependant on someone, or get detachment issues when they leave, or feel jealous when they talk to someone that isn't me. Plus the constant fear or break ups plays a big part in it. Every fight may end in heartbreak and it's just not worth the emotional rollercoaster for a few half asses hugs and sloppy kisses."

Bad, not so discreetly, rolled his eyes, Zak was only really talking about the bad parts of a relationship. He hated when people were so pessimistic about something so amazing.

"It's not all about that you know. Sure, some relationships end in heartbreak but the ones that don't, are so freaking worth it. Especially the affection, It's the best part! They're just slightly more clingy when other people are around, or when they look at you with the most gorgeous look in their eyes that makes your heart full on evaporate every time you see it. The little things you both do just to see each other laugh, the hugs you give that get just a little bit tighter everyday, like you grow on them more and more which makes them so afraid of losing you that they are willing to hold onto you to the point where their muscles ache. Even though relationships as perfect as that can end, it isn't always in tears. Maybe some people are just better off friends, plus, even if you two break up, you can still use your previous healthy relationship as an example for future ones- ah! I just realised I'm rambling. Sorry!" Bad quickly covered his pink face in embarrassment, he's normally quiet but when you get him going, he could probably speak for years.

Zak was just sat there, slightly dumfounded about how someone could see the great in everything, even breakups. It's a mindset he's tried to reach out and grab for years, but he could never get a good enough hold on it...

"I... Calm down dude, are you Cupid's advertiser or some shit?"

...Of course he would never admit that. For what he lacks in optimism, he makes up in ego.

"Language! I just like love okay? I'm always jealous of people who get it."

"That adds to my point."

"..Excuse me?"

"Why don't you get love? Anyone would be lucky to date you, you're incredibly likeable. Why aren't you with anyone? Love is unfair."

Bad mumbled something in disagreement, loud enough for Zak to know he said something but not loud enough to help him understand what he said,

"Speak up, use your big boy voice you got this."

Bad took a deep breath, clearly trying to carefully word what he was going to say.

"It's not unfair, it's just that no boys in this school are my type."


Awkward. That would be the way Bad would describe the atmosphere in the room, Incredibly awkward. Zak just had a blank look on his face, like a character whose controller disconnected. No emotion seemed to register on his face for a second before he snapped out of it.

"OH. Explains a lot. Meh well, my point still stands." He leaned back on the couch and put his hands behind his head.

Bad was taken aback, Zak was acting like this was an everyday thing, like Bad didn't just come out to him.

"Explains a lo-? Huh? You aren't uncomfortable?"

"Why would I be? You aren't the type of person to force yourself onto people, plus I just genuinely don't care. Not my life, why would I dictate it? Doesn't affect me. I'd also be hyp-"

Zak was interrupted by a knock on the door, despite it being past the schools curfew. He got up and looked through the keyhole, he realised it was Nick and made Bad hide in his room so he didn't get any ideas.

"What do you want your highness? It's way past curfew"

"Too fucking bad. Figured you wanted to get away from the dickhead you live with so you're sneaking out to Clay's tonight. It's gonna be fucking awesome."

"Right okay, let me just gain energy randomly and then I'll go. Its fucking 10pm man."

"Don't give one, we're going now."

Nick grabbed Zak by his hood and dragged Zak away from his dorm, Zak couldn't even do anything about it because the teachers would've heard his squirming. So he just had to accept this.

It'll be okay.

It's just a party.


Word Count: 995 

A/N: Very poorly written angst will shortly be coming so keep tabs on that ig. Life update, my voice sounds like if JoJo Siwa was microwaved on high thanks to a cold and I also have the constant need to do something but cant figure out what. Any suggestions? (I want to scrap this book but i have everything planned out so i js gotta deal w it) Please follow me if you like this story I'd really appreciate the support!

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Have a lovely day/night guys! Make sure to take care of yourself by eating and drinking enough. Bye for now! <3

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