{~My Lips Are Sealed~}

104 5 0

3rd July

So.. Something bad did in fact happen. Not to Zak or Darryl though, they're fine. Kinda. But however, Nick broke his arm in a car accident. No biggie. If anything, he was ecstatic over it because he did his work using a Chromebook and bragged about it to Zak all the fucking time.


"I swear to god I will break your other arm if you do not shut the fuck up."

"Woah someone's in a bad mood. Is it because you have to write with a pe-" He was interrupted by a slap on the back of the head, not enough to hurt, just enough to shut him up.

"Ow- Hey! No hitting the disabled! That'd get you cancelled real fast." He stated, rubbing the part of his head that was impacted by Zak's hand.

"Why do I hear talking?" The teacher's voice seemed to boom through the classroom, it even shut up kids he wasn't talking to.

"Maybe 'cause you got ears? Unless you're deaf, which would make sense considering you never answer me when I call to you." Nobody seemed to laugh at Zak's insults, they were more concerned for his safety. But he did earn a small giggle from a familiar brunette boy sitting behind him.

"Since you pair find it amusing to insult me you can have an after-school detention. How does that sound?"

Darryl's head snapped up, why was he involved? How did the teacher even hear his giggle anyway? He already has enough detentions as is.

"-Terrible. Thank you unkindly" The teacher seemed amused at Zak's response and continued yapping about world history.

"Yo, sorry about that dude. Now you gotta sit with Badboy over there in detention."

Right, should've mentioned, Zak and Darryl decided that it was better if they didn't tell people they were friends since they'd always have fun pretending they hated each other. And people might start rumours about how they got all chummy so quickly. It wouldn't be all that bad, but it's just too much hassle that's better to be avoided.

"Badboy? He ain't no Badboy"

"He's been getting a shit ton of detentions recently. Apparently he's a disturbance in classes or something, students started nicknaming him BadBoyHalo since he used to be like an angel type of student you know?"

"Why haven't I heard this yet?" Zak was thoroughly confused. "Why would Ba-Darryl be getting so many detentions? He's a good kid isn't he?"

"Dude It's not that deep. People don't tell you because you don't like to even hear Darryl's name. Why are so invested in his life now?" Nick narrowed his eyes. Clearly sceptical.

"Becausee I could tease him about it obviously. God, are your pain meds making you dense or something?" Zak quickly said, mentally patting himself on the back for being a good liar.

"Oh yeah! Maybe you're right actually."

The bell rang to signal the end of the day. Nick had packed up his one Chromebook (lucky bastard) and disappeared into the crowd of students, leaving Zak and Darryl in the class with Mr Strict over there at his desk.

"Right, I need to get some worksheets. Stay in here." With that, he walked out. Prompting Zak to lean back on his chair until the back connected to the edge of Darryl's table and turned to face him.

"Wanna tell me why you've been getting so many detentions lately Mr BadboyHalo?"

"Ah... You heard about that ay? I assumed it wouldn't reach you.." He shifted nervously in his seat.

"Gossip always reaches me. Even with the students I 'hate'. What's up with you lately? You used to be a model student or something shit like that."

"Language, but I don't really know, to be honest. I've just been so fidgety lately. A lot is going on in my mind right now. Most of the time, when I did get detentions it was because I was clicking my pen too much, or bouncing my leg, or just causing unnecessary noise for no reason." 

Zak thought of a reply for a moment, before reaching into his bag pocket and pulling out a blue fidget cube, slamming it dramatically on Darryl's desk, causing him to flinch slightly.

"Don't get any ideas. I just thought you could use it. But, you are venting to me later in the dorm, you have no choice. Don't bottle up your emotions dumbass, it doesn't help."

He quickly recoiled to his original place as the teacher came back, eyeing them suspiciously before shrugging and going back to his desk, plunging the room into a very awkward yet almost comforting silence.

--------TimeSkip Brought To You By Yes--------

When the boys got back, they got settled in and had a 'discussion', by discussion, I mean Darryl had been letting out his emotions and feelings to a very concentrated Zak who focused on nothing except the boy in front of him, occasionally doing a "hmm" or "wow" to try and lighten the mood, which sometimes worked. Once Darryl was finished, he felt so much better. Like the weight of the world on his shoulders became lighter.

"Please don't tell people about any of this. Act as if it never happened. We still hate each other in public, got it?"

Zak chuckled slightly and ruffled Darryl's hair, making it all messed up and stick everywhere.

"Don't worry Badboy."

"My lips are sealed."


Word count: 827 

A/N: I did not post the bad day draft because it was disgraceful to writing so instead I added some awe cute bonding! Not for long. Nick might be more involved and Darryl will be BadBoyHalo or variations of it because it just feels better. I might use Skeppy's nickname too idk. Also I've seen my book being added to a lot of reading lists and I'm very happy about that. I might also release this book on Ao3 if i feel like it. I'm actually rambling on wattpad I didn't know that was possible. Whatever this is getting long okay love you all lots bye bye!

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Have a lovely day/night guys! Make sure to take care of yourself by eating and drinking enough. Bye for now! <3

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