He pulled her skirt back down neatly and rose from the floor. “You will not touch yourself today. You will wait until you come back. Do you understand?” he said as he helped Y/N stand back up. “You are evil,” she said, shaking her head in frustration.

 “Aww do you hate being denied, Princess?”  he scoffed at her displeasure of the situation. Y/N said nothing else, just glared at him with her arms crossed. 

“Do you understand? Tell me before I bend you over again,” he demanded. “Yes Sir I understand,” she said through gritted teeth. “That’s my good girl,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her. 

She could taste herself in his mouth and it was so hot. “Now be a good girl, Princess,” he said as she started walking away completely frustrated. 

“Wait, I forgot. Can I go see Pansy while I’m in the city? Please, please, please,” she asked while picking up her bag. Severus rolled his eyes at the thought of her not coming back immediately.

 “I suppose. You have to be back here by 8. I’m serious,” he told her. “You are the best, Daddy,” she smiled. She mouthed the words “I love you” as she backed out the chamber door. It took her a second to realize; she went back into the chambers, grabbing her watch off the bedside table, just smiling at him while she did so. 

Y/N put the watch on and used a camouflaging spell on her arms. The students had already seen them but she didn’t want their parents to see. It would give a bad impression in her mind. She gathered the last few students and escorted them down to the train. Hagrid was already down at the station loading the trunks onto the train. 

“Thank you, Hagrid. I appreciate the help,” she said as the students climbed into the train. “Think nothing of it, Professor Snape,” he chuckled with a smile. News traveled fast around Hogwarts. 

The students spread out into separate train cars to rest on the way back. Y/N did her best to distract herself from what Severus had done to her this morning. Thinking about it would do her no favors. The train ride would take at least 8 hours back to London. She read her book for quite a while until she let herself fall asleep for a bit. Finally, they had made it to the station.

Y/N helped all the students disembark the train, safely returning them to each of their waiting parents. All of the families thanked her for personally bringing the students back to London after the nightmare at the school. 

Once that was done with, it was around 4 in the afternoon. Y/N took a cab to Pansies house. She knocked on the door and Pansies mother answered the door, greeting her warmly.

 “We haven’t seen you in forever, Pansy will be so pleased,” she remarked. She called Pansy down who almost flew down the stairs when she saw Y/N. The two embraced in a long hug. 

“Merlin, I was worried about you. I have to know everything. Come, let's go out,” she replied, grabbing her bag. “Of course, it was lovely to see you Mrs Parkinson,” Y/N said as they walked through the front door. 

Once they were outside the onslaught of questions started, where she had been, why she couldn’t write, and so on. The two went to a nearby restaurant to eat an early dinner. “He’s going to kill me. This is the first time I have eaten today,” she said as their food came to the table. 

“I don’t want to put this, indelicately but perhaps he is right. I can tell you’ve lost weight,” she remarked, trying not to hurt Y/N’s feelings. “Yes I know. I was going through something. Trying to fix it now,” she replied, continuing to eat her dinner. 

Suffering Part 2Where stories live. Discover now