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Today was a special day, it was the fifteenth of the month, a throng of men and women - guards, palace maids, eunuchs, followed behind the emperor of the country. A strict man in his thirties, in his long red robes with matching black sash where patterned of fire, representing ZhuRong were sewn onto his robe with golden threads. It sparkled under the moon as he made his way down along the bridge which connected the Palace to the Altar.

Ceremoniously, he took a flower, or more specifically a lotus flower in his hand and held it in front of his chest, in big strides, he walked until he saw the Altar which rose up majestically from the serene waters of a small, encircling lake. The compound was delicately designed as a person who enters the Altar will pass by the central entrance known as the Red Gate, which leads to through a four-pointed pavilion, and then a mountain shaped front hall, and then arriving at the eight-pointed pavilion before finally arriving at the Altar.

The Red Gate marked the end of his path as it stood three feet tall, painted red with lion heads golden doorknobs shone under the sun, with carving of many mythical beasts and Yaos, the enemies of the humans. Humans were prey but ZhuRong didn't only left them with his blessing, he gave the humans knowledge - the skill needed to create seals.

The clever humans use the knowledge and make barriers which surrounded their country, and it protected the weak humans from being prey to monsters. That was the reason that their civilisation would have lasted for a thousand years despite the danger that lurked around them.

"Bless ZhuRong, our protector deity," thought the man as he stared at the magnificent carved door which served as a reminder to the heir of the country, of the threat that was ever present.

His entourage stopped, and he alone stood in front of the gate. Pushing it open with his two hands. The emperor stepped past the entrance.

A slow creaking sound would be heard behind him as it was closed by the servants, while he alone ventured forward passing the submerged faded red gates, a symbol of leftover from an ancient time. Even the emperor had no idea how long they were in that state.

Contrary to the grandeur of the Palace, the Altar, was relatively simple in design and pose a calm and serene aura. It was surrounded by landscaped gardens and miniature islands, which some were built atop of the lake.

Thanks to sealing technique, by carving the seals on top on stone, and turning them from ordinary stone to light stone that the lanterns will light up when people passed by. It was also this technology that allows the State of Zhu to prosper.

The emperor felt the invisible barrier grow stronger as one ventured deeper into the Altar. He could feel the air hung heavier, it was suffocating, even the servants here were changed every few years, since not every one of them could withstand the pressure caused by the multiple layers of barriers.

He could navigate the intense pressure with ease, because of a sacred relic passed down through generations of emperors, the Jade of Red which allows him to move effortlessly through the barriers.

Yet, staring at the Altar in front of him, his brows knitted with deep concern. He couldn't help but to sigh, the harvest had almost ended, winter is approaching, so was his heart when he must come every fifteenth of the month. Every passing moment seemed burdened with weight, he longed to come yet was afraid to step into the compound.

Much like the changing seasons, it will arrive, and it will depart. He couldn't stop the sun from rising neither could he ask the moon to stop gracing its arrival.

I long for Autum, yet Autumn leaves.

I long for Spring, yet Winter lingers.

For that is nature, and that is time.


The Altar was built in a square with thick brick outer walls with an ornate wooden interior, within the Altar, a skywell, a square courtyard, was built, allowing moonlight to cascade through, along the garden that was at the bottom. Water swished, as the fishes swam while the lotus has gone to sleep under the water.

Today, at the very heart of this sacred space, the Holy Maiden patiently awaited the emperor. Standing alone her silhouette concealed behind a bamboo rack with blinds that gracefully brushed the ground, her face veiled from the emperor seeking counsel from the Holy Maiden.

Such was their ritual every month.

Even though, he was the who held the highest power and authority in the state, he too, must bow and showed respect to the Holy Maiden, for she is a greater presence than him. The whole livelihood of the country depended on her wellbeing.

The emperor greeted her, "Your holiness, are you well?" he asked.

The blind was lifted partially but no words were spoken out loud.

Her voice was soft because she never spoke to him directly. It was always through a messenger who stood in front of the blind that conveyed her words to him.

"Her Holiness is sick," said the messenger.

A mix of emotions filled the man, yet he couldn't show them. Under the refuge of his long red sleeves, he pressed his nails into his own flesh, grappled with the relentless grip of fear and anxiousness, hunted by the portrait of the one behind the veil, falling ill. Defeated by sickness.

Even Holy Maidens get sick. Replaced.

Yet, wearing a composed exterior as he had always done so, he uttered in response, "I see. How much time do we still have?"

"Three months."

Silent and still, he stood, rendered speechless while nearby a candle flickered by a fleeting whisper of the wind, so was his shadow.

Too little time.

"It's time for a new one," continued the messenger.

Another breeze swept past, and the candle was wiped out, yet his shadow still remained. Lighted by the other candles and lantern present.

"Has one been chosen yet?" he finally said.


"What is her name?"

"Shi YiGuang."


We will introduce the Main Character soon. Is this too long or draggy? I am quite worried about pacing but I feel like this needs to be out so that it would be easier to read/understand a lot of things that happened later.

These are the three concrete chapters, the rest of it is still changing and editing, so I wouldn't be posting anything else in the mean time. But I am still working on this, so as usually don't worry that there's no ending to the story. 

If interested to be my beta/arc reader, please send me a dm. Thanks ya :) 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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