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As instructed by ZhuRong, with the Holy Maiden centered around it, the humans built an altar on top of where XiangLiu was sealed. As years gone by, due to ZhuRong's blessing, the place grew and prospered; from a small village, it turned into a town, a city and a state and later developed into a country of its own, known as the State of Zhu.

State of Zhu continued to prosper over a thousand years, where its capital remained at the same of place ever since its establishment where at its heart, the capital stands resplendently with grandeur and mystique. As it expanded, the capital however was distinctively divided into three concentric rings: Outside, Outer Capital, and Inner Capital. This exceptional layout serves both as a testament of the knowledge that was passed down by ZhuRong and their promise to protect the Holy Maiden.


Old and young hunched and their back against the sun, farmers for generations, they were expert in their abilities; cutting down the last wheat of the harvesting season, bunching them up, ready to transport their harvest back to the capital, where they all stayed.

"That's all. DaNiu, go along," said an old man as he ordered his grandchild, a sturdy youngster, to transport everything back to city on a wooden cart with the other farmers as he placed the last batch of wheat upon it.

"Grandfather, are you not coming back with us? It's dangerous 'Outside'."

"A bit more. I want to stay here for a bit more," said the old man as he stared at where the barrier which covered the city ends. He can't see it, but it knew it was there, sometimes at a certain angle, while the sun sets, he could sometimes see the barrier glinting under the evening glow.

Where they stood was the outermost ring, known simply as 'Outside', where the boundary which protects the city ends. There is no protection from dangerous mythical beasts nor from the attack of demons also known as Yaos. However, it was the place where beasts are reared as livestock and where most of the farmlands are located. Encampments are set up to guard them, and also the place where the Camp is located. The place which young men and women are trained in martial arts, swordsmanship, and sealing techniques to defend or fight against Yaos and protect their country.

Outer Capital:

Meeting the farmers who was on the way was some merchants who had elaborate carriages along with their stocks for trade at the capital city where all the manners of life's lives and trades. Everyone was eager to enter through the City Gate, guarded by soldiers before nightfall.

"Fall into line," shouted a soldier at the crowd that was blocking the road into the Outer Capital.

The merchants afraid of being denied entry, all followed the soldier's instruction and began queuing beside the farmers.

"Where are your documents?" asked the soldiers who was in charge of entry.

A merchant who was in his forties took out a piece of nicely folded paper and handed it to the soldier. He took a look and his attitude changed dramatically, "Merchant Pang, you are here again. Sorry I didn't notice you sooner."

"Ah yes. No worries, our Pang Merchant Group has a lot of dealings. You will be seeing a lot more often," he stated.

"Go on. Have a nice stay at the capital."

"Thank you so much," said the merchant, who was dressed in an exquisite mink green outer robe as he entered into the 'Outer Capital' with his entourage. Seated inside his carriage, he awaited, as everyone slowly passed through the gate and the barrier. It wasn't his first time, but it was the most mysterious feeling.

"A slight tingling. Not pain but..." thought the man as he can't put a word into his feeling and therefore, ignored it.

The intriguing aspect of the Outer Capital is the invisible barrier that encircles it. This mystical boundary is designed to ward off and disallow entry of malevolent entities, particularly the Yaos or demons and other supernatural threats. However, the occasional Yaos, might find a loophole in the defence and sneaked into the barrier.

"Hopefully, we wouldn't encounter any problems this time around. Whether it's troublesome customers, thieves or... Yaos," thought the man as his brows knitted in stress. His assistant sensing his unease, comforted, "Don't worry, boss. We will reach the inn soon. And we can start doing business tomorrow."

"Ah yes, the Market," said the man with a smile. The thought of the Market, a place of commerce, characterized by the bustling marketplaces, where vibrant stalls and colours and shops line the streets, brought a smile to his face. It was his area of expertise, doing trade are what he does best.

"Are the mercenaries on standby?" asked the merchant.


"Good," as the man felt more assure.

Although, the Outer Capital is relatively safe. It's also home to a sprawling network of narrow alleyways and the occasional slum district. While some of the residences in this area are quite luxurious, many of the city's inhabitants live in tightly packed slums.

"Let's hope business is good tomorrow," said the merchant as his carriage trod along the way to where the inn was located while he lifted the curtain to get a glimpse of the 'Inner Capital'. The brilliant and the heart of the State of Zhu.

Inner Capital:

As the evening glow starts to dim, within the 'Inner Capital', a girl with two braided buns ran along the high red walls and corridors of the Palace. She was a new maid, a new hire to the Palace and she was very late. "I don't want to be punished," was her only thought as she rushed to the site of the ceremony, oblivious of the grandeur of the Palace.

The architecture shifts dramatically from the 'Outer Capital' reflecting the culture and magnificence of the city's ruling class. The size of the buildings was larger and more well-built and had numerous carvings on them with auspicious designs and figures. If one looks closely, they can see that the interior timbers, pillars, and crossbeams were intricately decorated with elaborate motifs and often set against yellow and gold colour. It was said that gold leaves were applied to create the shimmering effects.

Only the most cultured, wealthy, and powerful lived within the Inner Capital.

However, it was nothing in front of the young girl who was late.

All her eyes can see was the roof tiles, "The Assistant Head Maid said that the roof tiles are match with their uses, grey for utilitarian purposes, black for the library, green for the academy and red for the emperor. I need to go to the where the one is," thought the girl.

Her short stature didn't help her at all, as the girl cursed her short legs while passing by the prestigious Academy, a high-rise pagoda where scholars from around the country gather to study and exchange knowledge, where sealing techniques are often researched and progressed. It is also where the brightest minds graduate to advance their career as ministers, handling state affairs.

Huffing and puffing, trying to draw her breath, the girl finally reached the largest building, with the red roof. It's where the emperor's seat is located, a symbol of his power and authority, respected and in awe by others. It doubles as the emperor's residence and also the place where state affairs are discussed, and decisions are made.

She made her way to the left and entered from the side entrance as the main entrance was reserved by the emperor and his ministers and servants were to the side entrance.

"Lousy rule," mumbled the girl as she had to take a roundabout way to reach the inside.

Everyone was already gathered at the back of the Palace when she arrived. "I am going to be kick out," was her first thought but her friend pulled her aside, "Here," as she was handed a matching Chuang, a hand-held ceremonial instrument, decorated with colourful baubles of red, green, and yellow.

"I covered for you, XiaoMei. Told the ceremonial Assistant Head Maid that you went to the privy."

"Thank you so much YiXiang," said the girl.

"Quiet," shushed the person in front as music started, it wasn't the blaring music which were often played at the celebration festivals. The music was more solemn, regal as the moon arrived accompanying the procession as they made their way to the bridge with the emperor at the front, leading the way.


A little intro to the Capital, next we have the Altar. :)

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