In Her Mother's Image

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Chapter 5>>>In Her Mother's Image

The reflection in front of Cordelia in the tall mirror makes her take a deep breath. She stands admiring the jewels adorning her neck that soon takes her mind wandering to places she hasn't been in a while. The pads of her fingertips delicately run along the jewels of the necklace, feeling everywhere crevice and etching of the stones. Her mother loved this necklace the most out of all her earthly possessions. The reason, because it was a gift from Cordelia's grandfather. Her mother was of Spanish decent, living her adolescent years in Spain. The woman was beautiful and simple, loving the beauty in the little things. To own something so exquisite and beautiful that was all hers and something she didn't have to share made her mother love the necklace even more. The necklace was a wedding present for her mother when she married an Irish soldier, Cordelia's father. This necklace had been won in a round of cards by Cordelia's grandfather and kept as a secret until the right opportunity to be given to his daughter. Her mother, Gracia, cherished the artistry of stones and beautiful jewels as her father did. Cordelia's grandfather, shortly died after her parents wedding and after he gave his gift to his daughter. 

Small rays of light trickle in through the cracks of the curtains in Cordelia chambers and bounce from various objects in the room catching onto her necklace. What looks like diamonds and rubies in normal light now looks like an array of colors decorating the Captain's neck.

"God, I look like my mother." The Captain groans and quickly removes the necklace throwing it in a satin bag before tossing it to her bed. With overwhelming thoughts of her past in her mind, Cordelia feels she needs a change in scenery and quickly barges out of her room.

"Is everything all right, Cap?" Grayson looks paranoid for his Captain. He can see her chest moving at a rapid pace and her eyes start to cross. Grayson yells for help as soon as she collapses on the top deck. Crew rushes to her and grab multiple things to help her. The Devil's Whore is in the middle of the sea with a day's journey between all the islands around them, so there is no possibility of help on an island.

"Move it, get out of my way!" Magpie yells and pushes through the other men. He picks her small, unconscious body in his large arms and carries her below deck to the infirmary. The entire crew follow Magpie and the Captain below deck before Gramps stops the crowd and yells for them to get back to their jobs. Magpie weaves his way through the hammocks and individual bunks and past the Prince.

"What's going on? Is everything all right?" The Prince holds onto the bars and looks at the small crowd gathering below deck. He sees a few men waiting outside of a large door waiting. The only one the Prince doesn't see is the Captain. Instead of waiting for a response, he sits back in his cell because those few men won't tell him any information any time soon. He can hear small talk but nothing much. It seems like the men are too afraid to say anything and declare their ideas. The silence becomes deafening until a scream is heard echo throw the boat.


"She's exhausted. It's as easy as that." A crew member who used to practice medicine and functions as the on-ship doctor applies another wet rag to Cordelia's forehead. When she was first brought into the room Cordelia started having a seizure and each man in the room-Grayson, Gramps, Branson the doctor, and Magpie- grabbed a limb to hold into place so she wouldn't roll onto the floor. After she calmed down Cordelia started to open her eyes just barely.

"Where am I?" Cordelia starts to get up, but they all urge her to be careful and lay back down. Her head is throbbing and it feels as though a weight is being placed on her chest.

"You're in the infirmary below the deck. You collapsed outside of your chambers, are you alright?" Branson asks his patient lying on the table before him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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