Count Vincent and His Island

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Chapter 3>>> Count Vincent and His Island

The throne room is extravagant and large. A few people stand in the room watching and listening to the encounter between Her Majesty the Queen and the Captain of the Royal Guard. Her children are all present and standing near their mother, except Ralfe who stands to her right. He started doing that after his father died and the queen requested he get used the attention.

"We must do something." The queen sits on her golden throne and plays with the fabric arm rest. There used to be two seats side by side, but after the king died his seat was taken away.

"There's nothing we can do," the captain of the royal guard holds his hands behind his back. Juliette is whispering to her brother, Jean-Claude, about something and aren't paying much attention to the drama going on. Johannes goes on vacations pretty often, but their mother takes it as he is running away or kidnapped. She treats him like a child when he hasn't been a child for a while. The only reason people believe he was kidnapped this time was because the princess of Norway came running into the court room half dressed screaming that someone who looked like the prince was taken by pirates. Of course people didn't take everything she said seriously, she was without a corset. These days, no one believes anything a woman says, especially if she isn't wearing corset.

"What are you talking about? He is my son and he is this country's prince. Find him!"Queen Celine yells and her voice echoes in the empty room. Her sudden outburst makes everyone turn their attention to her.

"Your Majesty, we no nothing of where he went or who has him. Just that he might have been taken by a female pirate." The captain keep his composure, this isn't his first time dealing with Johannes' drama.

The eldest prince steps forward and says, "It could be the people who blew up the east wing of the castle's protective walls." The queen looks up at him and nods. "Find him by tonight." She stands and waves away everyone. The royal guard is the first to walk away and lead the group from the room. The queen grabs ahold of Ralfe's arm before he can leave. The two stand and face each other.

"I have something special I need to tell you." She goes back to take her seat on her throne, a place she takes with pride. "Last night at the party I was planning to tell you something special in front of our friends and family."

"Yes?" He says. Knowing his mother should could say anything. Nothing is out of the ordinary at this point.

"In August, I plan to step down from being Regent. You're ready to rule this kingdom and your people." She folds her hands in her lap. The queen says this with a smile, but the tightness of her jaw shows otherwise.

"Are you sure it's time, I mean it's August, when..." Ralfe trails off as his throat feels like it's closing off.

"I know, your father. The anniversary will connect you to him." Celine takes his hands in her own and stands up.

"If you say so." Ralfe tries to steady himself at being king in less than a month. "I guess I'll start writing my address to the crowd now."

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