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"We get on, we get off." The captain looks off the side of the large ship miles off the coast of the island. The light fog and darkness conceal the ship from the Royal Guard positioned along the coastline. The island is lit by the small lanterns that line the island and houses. The castle is the brightest on the entire island, the center of the large island, probably one of their many parties where they spend too much and invite rich guests from all over. Rich guests that bring their jewels and gold for no reason other than to flaunt it. And that is exactly what the captain is after.

"But captain, they will clearly see our ship miles out." A crew member states to the captain who is too busy plotting the best way on and off the island. But the captain nods anyway for good measure.

"No, they won't. I have a plan." The captain grips the sword on her hip tighter, which is what is usual when she's nervous.

"I never like your plans." The captain's closest friend says. She stands on the edge of her ship and holds a hanging rope. She turns toward her crew who stand waiting for her command. The boy steps forward to the captain and looks up at her.

"I know, but you never seem to leave." The captain pats the boy's cheeks and jumps off the side of the boat. Everyone on board gasps as their beloved captain has jumped off the side of the boat to his death. Everyone runs to the side of the ship to see if they can rescue their captain.

"Are you going to stand there gawking at me or are you gonna help me lower this thing?!" The captain yells. The captains stands in a smaller boat that is strapped to the side of the ship. A handful of crew climb down a ladder to be with captain as he journeys to the main island for a bit.

"Like I said, we get in, we get out." She stands in the center of the boat while her crew of ten paddle the boat to the small dock to the side.

"What are we taking from the island, Captain?" A crew member asks the powerful captain as the wind flies through her long coat tail.

"Everything." The moon is still out in the early morning and it glows on the Captain's face. The Captain's determined look turns into a smirk at the island before her and idea of conquest on her mind.

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