{Historical Winners}

43 6 11

1st place : Spring In Hades 

Author: NatashaIli

 Title: 10/10

 Cover: 5/5

Plot: 15/15

Blurb: 5/5

Writing Style: 9/10

Engagement:  5/5

Total : 49/50

Review : The title, cover and blurb all fit the plot perfectly. I got sucked into this book and had a hard time putting it down. There are hardly any grammar mistakes found as well. Engagement wasn't a contest when it came to reading this book. I highly recommend this book to others. A must read for sure.

2nd place : A Marriage Most Inconvenient

 Author: zeen2805

Total : 47 

Title: 10

Cover: 4 

Plot: 15

 Blurb: 4 

Writing Style: 9

Engagement:  5

Review : A Marriage Most Inconvenient is another book that I had a hard time putting down. It's a highly intriguing book. It will play with all of your emotions and keep you engaged to the point, that you can't help but keep reading. I love the fact that the main character isn't a force to be reckoned with. She is fierce and doesn't hold back from telling her husband what's what. I loved reading this book so much. There were a few minor issues with grammar. But nothing a quick read through and editing of chapters can fix easily. I definitely recommend this book for others who might have a liking to the Netflix show (Bridgerton).

3rd place : Broken Without You

Author : kmytho

Total : 45 

Title: 10

 Cover:  5

 Plot: 13

 score 13

 Blurb: 4 

Writing Style: 9 

Engagement: 4

Review : Another highly intriguing book for sure. I love the concept that the author is portraying in this book. My only issues were with grammar and punctuation that are throughout the chapters. But it's nothing major. Issues can be fixed quickly by reading through chapters and editing these mistakes. I also recommend tweeking the blurb a bit. Other than those minor issues, I very much loved reading broken without you. A must read for sure.

~ Your shoutout & follows will be done once all the genres results out.

~ If you want a profile picture & cover, kindly dm the details to me or manager. (Only for 1st and 2nd place)

~ Please dm @JadeJupitar2023 for your stickers!

~ All the participants results will be dm them soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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