🌸Special Category 🌸

256 18 55

Participates who entered in the special category. Kindly read this. We changed some rules due to some personal reasons.

1. Please comment your book title & username only in inline comment in front of your category.

2. You can only participate in one category.

3. Dealing to Sumit your entries - 20th October

4. We will start judging after 20th October.

5. Follow your judge please!

6. Sorry for the inconvenience but who don't follow these. There book will be not judged.


Best Cover

◾Best Title

◾Best Description

◾Best Characters

◾Best Storyplot


Judges for Special Categories

1. Best Cover : JadeJupitar2023

2. Best Title : reindolfwrites

3. Best Description : MissApparition

4. Best Characters : Kanhakisakhi

5. Best Storyplot : MissApparition

Don't forget to follow your special category judges too!!

The Lavendar Awards 2023 [OPEN]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang