She figured she could get away with not eating breakfast today, rationalizing it by telling them she was in a rush, but the clock was ticking, not just towards the show, but towards the decision she would be faced with.

-time skip-

"No, no I'm sure there's gonna be food there we really really have to go. I don't wanna be late, and I don't want to make Taylor late. She's the reason this is all like happening, if I make her late then like, like, I don't even know, we need to LEAVE" Winnie paced in circles, frantically trying to drag the three other girls out of the house.

Winnie was snapped out of her frenzie by a tight squeeze on her shoulder, making her jolt.

"Well meet you in the car guys, well only be a moment," Taylor said, ushering Phoebe and Gracie out of the house, trying to have a minute with Winnie.

Once both the girls had left the house, she sat Winnie down on the couch and kneeled on the floor in front of her.

"You need to relax, being five minutes late won't make the world stop spinning I promise. I know you're stressed, I'm stressed too, this isn't easy for anyone but your panicking isn't helping anyone" Tayor comforted and scolded Winnie at the same time, deeply confusing her.

Winnie hadn't expected this outcome. She was always stressed before something big happened, it was natural. When it happened typically her mom fed into it, allowing it to grow. It was weird living with such positive influences.

"Im-Im sorry. I didn't realize" Winnie fought tears, she hated being yelled at, even though she knew she wasn't being yelled at. She hated being told she was creating anything less than perfect

Taylor got even lower to the ground, forcing the two girls to make eye contact. She placed her hands on top of Winnie without breaking eye contact, trying to convey something.

"I heard what happened last night, and I promise we can talk about this later, but right now I need you to just relax, and breathe. Can you do that for me? Can you take a deep breath in?" Taylor moved her left hand onto Winnie's belly, looking at her with eyes and asking her to take a deep breath in.

Beginning to calm her breathing, Winnie felt her face go red with embarrassment. She had gotten too comfortable. These were not her family, they were coworkers she had no other option than to spend the next year with. Taylor was not her mother, she wasn't someone she could run to whenever she had a problem. She needed to set boundaries, and right now she was breaking one of them.

"Are you ready Win?" Taylor stood up and held out her hand to pull Winnie up from the couch

"Yeah, sorry" Winnie awkwardly coughed out.

"You have no reason to be sorry about the way you feel ever. If you ever want to talk I am always here, and I want, no, need you to know that. I won't ever judge you for feeling emotions, you are the same as everyone else." Taylor assured her, confusing Winnie even further

The thought of someone handling her emotions with care instead of immediately berating her was foreign, and gave honestly made her slightly uncomfortable. She was so mistreated that the feeling of comfort almost disgusted her.

-time skip-

"Words cannot describe how I'm feeling right now, everyone here has played a key role in inventing the Eras Tour, and I'm honored to be working with all of you. The doors open at four thirty, so we have around seven and a half hours. Were going to go through the show once, openers and all, then just... relax, and wait till it starts. I'm so proud of each of you for the work that we have accomplished together, as a team." Taylor beamed out. She had this idea planned for so long, but that was it, an Idea. She never thought that her vision would come to life so perfectly

"Eras tour, on three. One, Two, ERAS TOUR" The entire cast of the soon-to-start concert screamed. 

"Alright, alright, get ready, this is full out, this is just like the real show c'mon. Gracie, you're starting, let's go" The stage manager quickly put the sweet moment on a pause, snapping everyone into reality.


Winnie was, excited? Well, kind of. Part of her was about to throw up all over the floor, have a seizure, and throw herself out a window. but the other half was so, oddly, grateful.  Well, being grateful wasn't the odd part. She never, ever thought she would be good enough for this. Never thought she would make it far enough to put on a performance in a stadium, never thought she would win a Grammy, never thought she would come far enough to make meaningful connections, and really never thought she would find a way to escape her mother. Even if it was just for a little.

Watching Phoebe perform was breathtaking, but made her want to hide in a closet. She was so obscenely nervous, this wasn't just a performance with her fans, she didn't even know if anyone coming was a fan. Everyone might hate her music for all she knew, maybe she'd begin singing and the entire crowd would sit down, and be dead silent. 

Maybe as she sang Taylor would think she made a mistake, and she would be faced with the cho- "Winnona, we need to mic you up" Chris stood holding a thousand wires, reading to turn her into a robot

"o-ok" Winnie stood up in a hurry, forcefully snapped out of her thoughts, and was going to have to unvolunteeringly suck it up, and go out on stage. This wasn't even the real thing, this was just a rehearsal, she didn't know why she was stressing so badly.

As she was spun, tied, and flipped like a pastry dish, in three minutes Winnie was ready to be a show-and-tell puppet for whoever wanted to watch, and very very soon, she would do it all again, except this time she would do it in front of a stadium full of people.



So, tbh I'm just too lazy to continuously write this book, BUT I promise I never forgot about you guys, and I will give another update, hopefully within the next ten-ish days?? Maybve


if you are a shifter please give me tips, I'm trying to learn and it is not easy

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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