Chapter 21

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Solan Darby waited patiently all weekend for Jack Larsen to call her with a plan for Monday.

Looking back on it she definitely let him have too much say in how this situation is going to play out.

She needed to find a way to regain control and quick.

She now sits on her bed painting her toes when her phone starts ringing.

Solan answers it embarrassingly quick, not even checking caller ID.

"Hello?" She speaks into the phone.

"Darby." Jack Larsen greets.

"Was starting to think you weren't gonna call." Solan voices.

It's almost ten o'clock at night.

"Look at you sounding like a real girlfriend." He chuckles to himself.

"I'm out front. You've got less than five minutes to get down here." He instructs.

"What?" Solan asks with wide eyes.

"You heard me. You've got about four minutes now." Jack instructs again sounding completely unfazed.

Solan quickly makes her way to her window, peaking out of it.

Sure enough Jack Larsen sits in his white Bugatti Centodieci, window rolled down for all to see.

"Two minute warning." She hears him voice through the phone as she now begins to frantically move around her room finding a pair of shoe and jacket to wear.

"Mom, I've gotta run out I need more, um..tampons and chocolate!" Solan calls out loud enough for her mother to hear from the master suite.

"Solan Darby at this time of night?!" she exclaims.

"Yeah, I'm just as annoyed as you." Solan responds before slamming the front door shut and sprinting to Jack's car.

"You made it with thirty seconds to spare." Jack informs her as Solan gets into his car.

As soon as she's in he's pressing on the gas, not even waiting for her to get buckled up.

The two sit in silence for the first few minutes of the drive.

Jack seeming unaffected while Solan tries to mimic his presence.

"I have to say, I'm a bit surprised." Jack finally speaks into the quiet car.

Solan's muscles tense up hearing him speak, she liked the silence better.

"Solan Darby, daughter of Max and Shelby Darby, heiress to a multi-million-dollar record label. Recently attended St. Peters International before transferring to St. Edwards. Transferring is a really nice way of me saying it though because you were about to be expelled. Daddy dearest stepped in paying the school a large sum in exchange for them allowing you to transfer, nothing going on your record." Jack glances at her through his peripheral before he places his eyes back on the road.

"Don't have all the cards now do you?" he smirks to himself.

Solan thought her dad had sealed those records, so how did he find out?

"You're so sure that this wasn't a card in of itself." It's now Solan's turn to smirk.

"Hmm is it though?" Jack challenges with a knowing look on his face.

"I have dirt on you, you have dirt on me. Eye for eye shit. And look I'll be honest with you, I still haven't quite figured out why you're doing all this for popularity. Seems juvenile to say the least but I know that what I have on you, you don't want getting out. Same could be said for me so yes, you can be my obedient little girlfriend." Jack starts to explain his thinking.

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