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It had been a few years since the Shatter and subsequent reformation of the Paradox Prism. The gem itself was sent to Earth, to G.U.N., to be held, studied and contained. Kept away from Eggman, of course. But for universal shattering it was strictly watched. Even Rouge, who was now 22, had turned a distaste for the Prism itself after what happened, despite its beauty. Besides, she had better gems to look at. Rather, she was the perfect wing woman when Shadow, now 21, was looking for a ring.

"Shadow, trust me. This one is perfect for him." Rouge said. "Perfect to reflect all parts of him that you love while also not breaking your bank."

Shadow glanced to the ring, the pair of emerald gemstones surrounding a sapphire, encased in a gold band, was beautiful. But his mind wondered to his fear: "What if he says no?"

"You won't know if you don't ask." Rouge said. "You of all people know how long it was for Knuckles to pop me the question."

Shadow sighed. "True. But still..."

"I'm not saying your fears are unwarranted. They are genuine worries, but he will accept. If he doesn't, I or Knuckles will beat some sense into him."


"I tease. But I am also serious."

Shadow sighs again before heading towards the Jewelry Clerk, who returned after discussing with another couple.

"Did we make a choice?"

Shadow nods. "This one."


"Okay, checkered blanket? Check! Food? Check! Romantic candle lighting after sundown? Check! Records? Check! And... Shit, where is it?!" Sonic, almost 21, looked around frantically.

"Sonic, did you check your quills?" Tails, freshly turned 15, points out.

Sonic is quick to search. He stop, then sighs as he feels a tiny black box. "It's there."

"That's good. Things should go smoothly. Amy, Knuckles and I will keep a look out in case Egghead shows up." Tails reassures. "I'll call in case if it's a last resort kinda deal."

"Alright..." Sonic's ears twitched towards the sound of a ring portal opening up not too far away, about a mile or so out. "Oh man... He's here. He's here! He's here!"

"Sonic. Breathe. Stay calm. Remember the talking points we discussed." Tails reminded.

"But what if he says -"

"You won't know till you try." Tails said before taking off. "Good luck! And happy anniversary!"

Sonic waved a goodbye before the feeling of Chaos Control zipped his soulmate to him onto the loop-dee-loop, where Sonic sat and waited.

"Hey!" Sonic is the first to greet.

"Hey!" Shadow returns. In his hands was a tiny thing of roses.

The two hedgehogs came together, their lips meeting after they hug. "Happy anniversary, Sonic."

"You too, babe. And you shouldn't have."  Sonic said, pointing towards the roses.

"Well, it is our fifth, after all. Besides, you set this all up for us. I feel... Underdressed? Unprepared?" Shadow says, trying to find the right word to describe just how he feels.

"You set up last year, babe. You're good." Sonic reassures, weaving a rose into Shadow's quills, just behind his ear. The hybrid blushes.

"How was your day?"

"Eh, easy for the most part. I assumed you had work?"

"Yeah. Unfortunately. G.U.N. has been hammering down on something. What it is, Team Dark has yet to know." Shadow says. "We're waiting on Intel as we search individually. Hell, Rouge and I just caught up today, and Omega is in Holaska as we speak." Half lie. They were in Station Square for a week. Omega was still in Holaska.

Stuck Here With You Of All People|Sonic Prime|Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now