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(Writing same time as last chapter, this was the Monday after that last weekend)

So, I lost my voice and my voice is really croaky, or just doesn't talk at all

Now this was a problem because we had house netball and rugby

Now I love rugby, in fact I do rugby club after school on Wednesdays, but like always only the boys are aloud to do rugby while the girls were forced to do netball

I hate netball

Because I lost my voice, I couldn't shout at my team to get me a bib, let me play, what to do or anything and every time I tried to say something people would burs out laughing

In the end I didnt do a single match out of the what, 20 matches we played? 

Honestly fine though since like I said, I hate netball and so did my friends so we all didnt play any or very few matches 

We were just messing around and shit

It was so fun giving each other piggy back rides and running around 

Anyways we had 2 lessons of this and that was the first one

At the end of the 1st lesson we had the 15 minutes break we always do and at the 2nd lesson we would come back to the basketball and netball courts 

But because everyone was messing around so much while we were lining up (Which took us 15 minutes because the pe teachers were waiting instead of screaming at the 5 kids who were talking to shut up) When you weren't playing you had to sit in your teams

After break I guess we were supposed to go back to the changing rooms but me and my friends weren't paying attention so we just went straight back onto the courts

Now, my and my friends play pranks on each other all the time and this was a normal thing when we were passing each other Karen's bottle around annoying he, then when she said "Seriously guys stop" We stopped

Then she ignored me, Ana and Lena.

She went with her new friends and hanged out with them. For 2 days.

She accepted Anas apology but not mine or Lena's 

Then Karen hanged out with her new friends and Ana (Keep in mind ana is my GIRLFRIEND and was ignoring me with Karen for literally no reason)

Antonia (The bitch) Hanged out with them but obviously I was expecting that but it left me with no friends and for the partner activities I had to work with Sam the pervert.

Sam the pervert is the kid who says really offensive racist, homophobic and other stuff things and went into the girls changing rooms, MORE THAN ONCE

And the teachers keep saying to not be mean to him and that he's also a human being

Anyways thats that

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