9th of October

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Well. Last chapter was Friday. Today was Monday. 

Over the weekend on my sleepover for my birthday (even though it was 2 months ago) and it went well! No one was talking about Antonia or anything that happened on Friday

But obviously, all good things must come to an end

I went into school at 7:59. School starts at 8:40 but you can come in from 8:00, so it was perfect timing

After waiting for a minute, Karen's mum dropped her off like normally and we were just talking until Antonia came

I wanted to act nice so I waved and smiled at her in a goofy way and she just ignored me??

Then she started talking to Karen and taking me out of any and every conversation they were having, then when one of Antonia's friends came, I decided to leave because there was no point in me being there

I went to the toilets and cried a bit, not too much just a bit and told my mum I can't do this and that im crying in the bathrooms (I told my mum about what happened on Friday)

She reassured me that everything will be fine and I dont need to worry and she noticed I didn't eat so she told me to go to breakfast club

(Which is a place where you can eat breakfast for free, it's entirely payed for by a popular store in the uk called tesco)

Lena came too after a while, and we just chatted a bit on how much of a fucking bitch Antonia is, Lena is the only one who hates Antonia and we kind of bond over that

During tutor time, I told my tutor about it and he told me he will tell our head of year (Note from the 25th of October, he never did) Which made me feel better

Also during period 2, my drama teacher saw I was feeling a bit down and asked me what was wrong, since I only have drama once a week, I wasn't comfortable telling him what happened and I just said someone was making me feel a bit sad.

He for real started saying in a loud and jokey way 'well I wont let anyone make someone in my class feel sad, whoever it is, I will make sure I find them and wont let them make you feel sad again!" (not in a fucking weird way, thats just how our drama teacher is and its really funny)

In my head I was thinking how he wouldn't be saying that if he would really know the person at the top of the fucking class was the person but just his enthusiasm to make me feel happy, made me feel happy and I just spent the lunch and break with Lena, gossiping about Antonia

I cried at one point, but Lena made me feel better and we played some games after school, clearly staying off the subject but knowing it did happen, still just playing games as if it never did

Im so happy that I have some people in my life, of course some.. Some people are absoloute shitheads I hope will burn in house along with their good for nothing family


We dont talk about bruno



bye Xx

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