The zoo trip

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Alright this happened last wednesday (2 days ago but its 23:59 rn so basically 3)

This might be a bit of a skip so I'll try help explain whats going on. 

After the D and Z incident, half the year group hated me, right? So then after I stopped being a cry baby and cry all the time, I stopped caring about what other people thought of me, in fact, so much people hate me now that its only like 10 people in my year who dont hate me. (Theres 160 - 200 people a year group)

How did I get so much people to hate me? Well, someones rude to me, im rude to them back and gossip spreads through our year like a wildfire, there is no stopping it

ISo this was just a normal school trip right? Well there were a few differences since this time it was run by the science department for some reason like no phones, no going to the tores but the most major one was that the whole year was going

Normally on school trips half the school go on one day and the other half go on another day, but we were just all going to this zoo together. 

Anyways, we were all split into 8 different groups and I luckily was in one with A (My gf) and K (My bsf) but also some people who hate me largely.  

Those people were ED, E and B. B and ED were from my old school and hated me since then, while with E there was some more drama which I might talk about later

Oh and there was also this large kid C i think. He is very cocky and I never talked to him in my life but it was obvious he disliked me from the gossip and his friends

Well, once we got to the zoo, which is more like a giant place to go for a walk that has like 8 different types of animals scattered around not even kidding

I think the drama started once we first got there and went to the toilets.

ED and B were the only ones who needed to go and obviously I was annoyed, because I wanted to see the animals instead of waiting for some annoying ass kids to finish shitting

Then me and EDW (One of the 3 only boys who dont hate me, the others im neutral with since its A's ex (She broke up with him) and his best friend, but im actually friends with this kid) Were talking about how these kids are going to take 8 hours just to annoy us

Then B, who heard us since he was waiting for ED and started shouting stuff like 'bitch' , 'Wanker' , ext.

I was obviously pissed off at him and I started swearing back and then the teacher or our group leader finally realised and put a stop to it

At one point, me A and K were just walking in a line like


A   M   K

and ED was well where you see ED

Well he was just standing there, waiting for his friends while we were walking his direction, A went to the left side to move out the way and me and K went around the right side

While we were moving, ED thought it would be funny to shove me as if it wasnt inconvienient enough to make us move out the way just for the piece of shit

I obviously shoved him back as hard as I could and he fell onto B, C and E

And he just shouted out 'Bitch' as if he didn't just shove me

The amount of stuff that happened on this trip though, its hard to remember everything..

At another time, this group of boys which were in my group were standing around a poster being like '43 pounds a year? Thats such a scam!' and stuff like that

So me and A were explaining to them how it meant that once you pay 43 pounds you can come here as much you want in a year, until B and C just shouted out 'NERDSS'

Like bitch shut your goofy ass up dumb bitch

But anyways then I was like 'Jee thanks for calling us smart dumb asses' And then C said 'Oh im smart but im not a nerd' And this bitch was in bottom set while me and A were in top so we obviously bought that up

And that cocky ass started crying 💀

B was also like 'well im not' and A said 'At least we're in top set dumb bitches' These kids were really getting on my nerves at this point

Near the end, when we went to the benches to just chill out and chat until the coaches come, E came up to me A and K.

He said something like 'So what do you think of Z?' As if Z wanted to know if we had a crush on him or some shit, and even if we did, why tf would we tell E?

So yeah we obviously told E that Z is a cocky bitch we hate and that E better let Z know

then E came back and forth telling Z what we said and Z what we said until I finally told E to tell Z that he is a coward and if he wants to talk to us he can do it face to face

And welp we saw E tell Z, whisper something back and that was the last we saw of E the mail man

At one point A was looking through a telescope to see the wolfs and B kept on shaking it so she couldn't see through it

Obviously I was pissed off and started shoving B away and he shoved me back, then it turns out that C was covering the telescope anyways so A and C started shoving eachover then and then E wasbored or something so he shoved K who obviously shoved him back

So there we were, 6 kids just shoving eachover around and the group leader didnt realise for so long becuase he was 'looking up to the sky' 

(Yeah right he was probably thinking about having sex with his wife, or just anything other than supervising some annoying ass kids on a school trip)

But yeah eventually he did stop it.

Also, on the way back on the bus, we were with group one on it. Then C and some kid R started fighting and then R punched C and then it got kinda phisical

It was a full on fight and I saw every last bit of it, in fact R was beating the shit out of C, yet all of C's friends told the kids on the other coaches that he won? 💀

Also like 5 people were recording the fight, I didnt because I thought it'll be better to ask K to ask someone to send her to send me a video of the fight (Since no one would send it to me)

And the teachers didnt realise until 10 or 15 minutes into the fight 💀

They were too busy gossiping about Mr F's wife having an affair or something

But still how the hell do you not hear it, THE WHOLE COACH WAS SCREAMING 'GO R!' OR 'YEAH BEAT THE SHIT OUTA THAT FAT ASS' or something like that

Yet they were too blind to see the children with their phones clearly out filming the whole thing

Then on Thursday our head of year (Miss B) Started screaming at our class that we weren't supposed to be filming the fight.

So someone snitched on the 5 kids (Who were all in out class) and now because of that little snitch we have to waste 15 minutes of Pe to listen to miss B scream at us about not filming people without their permission or something like that

God damn I was mad at whoever did that

OH and the people who were filming the fight had to give their phone to miss B, let her go through their phone and delete any pictures with strangers in them or other kids that were obviously not planning to be in a picture

She also went to their bin and permanatly deleted some of the important photos and videos they had because they were 'gross' 'inapropriate' or 'Had a stranger in them'

And they all got RTL6's (A week of isolation)

Overreacting much?

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