Chapter 18: Aftermath, a Dream, and Danger

Start from the beginning

That as well as how exhausted he was would make it difficult for her to heal Midoriya's injuries, " Thank goodness he has no need for surgery it seems, ever since he learned how to control his power and utilize it properly, he hasn't broken anything, I must thank that student that was able to help him figure it out."

As she set Midoriya down, All Might was just looking over Midoriya and asked with a clearly worried expression on his face, "So, he's going to be okay, right?"

Recovery Girl, fondly exasperated at All Might's worry said, "Now, now, calm down, I do know what I'm doing after all or did you already forget that."

All Might, suitably quieted down as he was chastened by her calming, and slightly reprimanding words, just sat there with a sheepish look on his face.

Recovery Girl then answered his question, "While it may look pretty bad, it could've been much worse had he not started developing control over his quirk which I believe in turn helped his body to gain more durability allowing him to keep from getting too gravely injured."

Those words gave All Might a sense of relief but also a sharp stab of quick guilt at not having been responsible for the revelation that gave Midoriya the chance to even figure out how to control the quirk.

He would've thought more about it but Recovery Girl quickly brought him out of his thoughts with what she said next, "That being said, these injuries are pretty bad and I can't do much except basic first aid treatment until he wakes up and replenishes his energy, I don't want to risk my quirk on him right now especially with how much energy he has used up to this point."

All Might, his newly revamped fears being soothed by Recovery Girl's words, if only slightly before his heart jumped and his chronic blood issue nearly made itself known yet again as the door opened and a few voices shouted, "MIDORIYA!"

Turning around quickly, he saw that Iida, Uraraka, Merrilson and Asui were at the entrance, which gave him a good idea who actually shouted out Midoriya's name.

Merrilson, for his part, was quick to calm the ones who shouted down, "Guys, I don't think that Midoriya would've appreciated his eardrums being destroyed when just barely waking up in an injured state."

Suitably chastened, the two in question that were mostly at fault blushed a bit in embarrassment and mumbled a quick sorry.

Uraraka then noticed the (seemingly) random stranger in the room and assuming he was a teacher said, "Oh, it's nice to meet you sir." to which he replied with a hand scratching the back of his head, "Likewise".

Merrilson, taking a quick look around, noticed the state Midoriya was in and asked, "How bad is it?"

Recovery Girl answered with the same reply she gave All Might to which Merrilson replied, "How much of his body will you be able to heal after he wakes up then?"

Recovery Girl, surprised by his relatively calm questions, replied, "I should be able to heal most of it but I will most likely have to wait until after his next battle to finish the rest, that is if he doesn't severely injure himself again,"

This allowed the three students who didn't ask to breathe a sigh of relief glad that Midoriya was going to be okay.

Once that was done, Merrilson turned over to Iida and asked him, "Hey, now that we were able to see that Midoriya is going to be okay, don't you think you should go and prepare for your match?"

No sooner had he said that did Present Mic announce, " Alright Sports Fans! Our stadium has been fixed and the next match is about to start! Would our next two contestants please make their way to the stadium!"

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