Chapter 18: Aftermath, a Dream, and Danger

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Author's Note: Hello Everyone, sorry for the slightly later release, family gatherings, work and holidays have kind of tired me out. That being said, I hope you all enjoy my latest release of this story.

No one spoke or moved a muscle as Midoriya was carried off the field. That final clash was so sudden and breathtaking that there was not much else to say.

Present Mic, noticing the silence, tried to get the audience back into it despite being a bit out of it himself, " And there you have it folks! Midoriya has successfully punched his ticket to the next round where he will be facing off against whoever wins the next match!"

Seemingly taken out of their stupors by Present Mic's words, the crowd roared in approval at the exciting matchup that they had just witnessed.

As the roar of the crowd died down, Present Mic, taking note of the destroyed state of the stadium, said, " That being said, we will have to wait for the stage to be repaired for the next event so take this chance to stretch your legs and prepare sports fans! We will be back in a moment!!"


The members of class A had been just as out of it as the others in the stands were until Present Mic spoke, even Merrilson had stopped writing in his notebook and was just staring at the stadium, though with his expressionless look, one would think that he was looking on with boredom.

Then, as the crowd cheered the spectacle they had just witnessed, catching the students up in it as well as they started talking excitedly amongst themselves, Merrilson turned to Iida and said, "Hey, you're up next right? Do you want to go see if Midoriya is alright first? I think you might have enough time for that."

This was followed by a brief but resolute nod from both him and Uraraka following a moment where they both internally shuddered as they immediately recalled that moment of rage that Merrilson just displayed before recollecting themselves (and mentally kicking themselves for feeling said fear). If Merrilson noticed their initial fear of him, he never acknowledged it.

And so, the three stood and started heading over to Recovery Girl's office and were soon joined by Tsu as they passed her on the way.


All Might, maintaining his civilian form, had taken the opportunity to excuse himself from his place among the UA teachers to head over to Recovery Girl's office himself.

While he was heading there, his worry of Midoriya's current state battled with how pleased and impressed he was with how far his successor had come in this short amount of time, heck, he even managed to both beat and save Todoroki in a single fight.

With such thoughts warring in his mind, his face morphing from a gleeful look to a grimace of worry, he wasn't thinking much about his surroundings which resulted in him nearly getting run over by a fuming Endeavor, one he managed to avoid in time, who didn't even bother acknowledging him as he just stomped his way seemingly out of the arena entirely.

As All Might watched his receding and disappearing form, he couldn't help but recall when he and Endeavor were talking before the final round of the sports festival and the way he talked about young Shoto didn't sit well at all with All Might.

Endeavor, what have you done?" Was all he could think about before realizing that he had been standing there for a while, causing him to immediately continue to head off to where Recovery Girl's office was within the stadium while also thinking about how to approach this with Principal Nezu.


Recovery Girl, who could already feel the headaches occurring as she saw the match unfold was only able to maintain her composure when Midoriya was brought in, followed closely by All Might in his civilian form looking comically worried about Midoriya as he lay prone in a hospital bed. She would've chuckled at the sight were it not for the severity of some of Midoriya's injuries.

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