Insert a coin (PART 2)

Start from the beginning

"Teehee...and I thought that tiny boy was up to something again..." Hiyoko spoke smugly,

"Who are you calling 'tiny boy'?" Fuyuhiko spoke,

"Wah! You're here!?" She shrieked.

"It figures...You guys are messed up." Fuyuhiko sighed, "Is that what you guys do? If you don't like your 'buddy', you corner them...Tch, look at you sheep acting all righteous." he scoffed. "What did you say...? We didn't do anything wrong!" Kazuichi replied. "Oh? Did the shitty sheep all bleat at me?" Fuyuhiko smirked, amused. "It looks like...there's one more bastard who needs to get tied up..." Kazuchi gritted his teeth. "Stop it you two. Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko doesn't need to be tied up, just let him be...." You spoke, "Tch...bastards...I'll make sure you regret that later...!" Fuyuhiko muttered while exiting the restaurant, no longer wanting to argue with Kazuichi.

"Wh-What the heck... He's just a whiny loser!" Kazuchi spoke, "Kazuichi...let us stop this already." Sonia spoke. "Jeez, all this fighting...I can tell it's not going to be easy in the future..." Mahiru huffed. "The future...huh... I wonder if we even have a future...." Mikan spoke quietly, "Then I guess we'll have to make best of the present for now then, don't we?" You spoke, smiling a bit. Mikan's checks redden a bit as she nodded.

Everyone had already left the restaurant, as there wasn't much to discuss, therefore this starting your freetime.

You felt a light tap on your shoulder as you put your dish away.

"Mikan? What's wrong?" You turned around.

"T-The pills you requested..." she spoke, "I found it but... its in the drug store, would you like to come with me?" she asked, you nodded. You didn't have much to do anyways.

As you both entered the drugstore, Mikan took a deep breath before smiling. "Drugstores are amazing...Just looking around gets me excited...Hehe...hehehehehe!" she blushed.

"Looking at medical things gets you excited? Well, I guess it would make sense for an ultimate nurse, you must like treating people." You smiled softly as Mikan walked over to a isle, you following. "O-Of course!" She smiled, handing you a small container. "Thank you again, Mikan." You spoke, hoping this would be able to stop the headaches. "U-Uhm, if I may add, please don't take more than 2 tablets, it'd be harmful for you, I'd suggest take one when experiencing a headache, it should reduce the pain." Mikan spoke, you hummed.

"Mikan, if I may ask, what made you want to become a nurse?" You spoke, putting the container into your pockets. "...You're...asking something about me!?" Mikan replied, astounded, "No one really asks anything about me...! U-Uhm...!" she continued, quickly calming down her excitement. "I... always treated myself for my own sake...I would often get beaten up at school and at home a lot...Since nobody would treat me when I was hurt, I just did it myself and eventually, I got good at it!" Mikan smiled before going quiet. " day I realized something. Sick people and injured people...are weaker than me." she started.

You gave her a questioning look, "I mean...If you ignore a sick or injured person, they won't be able to endure the pain... and if worse comes to worse, they could even die, right?" Mikan started to explain, "But...If I know a proper way to treat them, that means my words are absolute. Which means...They'll need me, They'll depend on me completely. That's why...I can't leave the sick and the injured alone. Because...they always listen to what I say..." She smiled.

" wanted to become dependable?" you questioned, "Hmhmhm, I'm pretty useful, you know." Mikan smiled, "I can be used as a target for darts, eating strange bugs, and using my body if there's nothing else to write on!" she exclaimed, "Ah! I could also p-pay off your debt for you!" she added. "Why are you smiling? You didn't like any of those stuff, you've been forced, right?" You furrowed your eyebrows. Mikan no longer showed a happy smile, but instead of a sad smile. "Obviously, I don't want to do that stuff at all. But...If it makes everyone not hate me and smile at me, then it's much better...Heh...hehehehe..." She giggled, this made you furrow your eyebrows even more,

"You always forgave me..." Obsessed! Mikan Tsumiki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now