Insert a coin (PART 2)

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Same warnings as PART 1, no editing in this chapter, enjoy reading ^^

The sun shined into your cottage curtains, shining bright into your room. You would have enjoyed this scenery, if it wasn't for the fact that you lacked sleep. You've stayed up writing until you passed out, but who could blame you? There were so many things to consider before finding out the actual truth, you sighed as you got up and looked in the mirror, your reflection showing the dark circles under your eyes.

Your stomach growled, wanting to be fed. You adjusted your hair and washed your face, you needed to look like you at least had some sleep. You felt the cold water rest along your face, the water dripping out of your hands.

You looked at the mirror again, although you still looked like you lacked some sleep, it'd have to be squinted at.

You adjusted yourself again before opening the door, and heading towards the restaurant.

"B-But.... I wonder if it's really true... That there's a traitor among us...." A timid voice spoke as you walked up the stairs,

"No need to worry! You don't have to worry about the traitor at all!" A voice spoke, loudly.

When you arrived at the top of the stairs, everyone had already been there, expect for Nagito.

"H-However... If, by chance, a worst-case scenario..." Mikan spoke as you grabbed a plate, filling it up with your favorite foods.

"Impossible! Even in the worse-case scenario! You don't have to worry about the traitor!" Nekomaru refused.

You took a bite from your food,

"What do you mean? You're being awfully certain about it." Hiyoko spoke, suspicious.

"Of course! In fact, that so-called traitor is tied up at the moment and can't move at all!" Nekomaru refuted.

You took a moment to process everything, thankful you didn't choke.

"Is that why we haven't seen Nagito at all after the trial?" You spoke, some taken by surprise that you had entered without them noticing.

"Who else could it be!? Nagito's the traaaaaaaitor!!!" Nekomaru shouted, "Wh-What about the other part? Where you said he was tied up and can't move..." Hajime spoke, Nekomaru froze. "AW CRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPP!!!" he yelled. "H-Hey, Kazuichi! What should we do!?" Nekomaru turned to hum, hands up on his hair. "Dumbass! Don't rope me into this! They'll find out we worked together to..." Kazuchi stopped himself, "...Aw crap!" he let out.

"You guys are both idiots!" Hiyoko laughed. "...Hey, what does this mean?" Mahiru crossed her arms, " know..." Kazuchi spoke, "There's no wat we can let him run around free! I mean, he tried to put us all in danger, you know!" he defended. "Teruteru committed a murder because that guy tempted him, right...? So that makes him a killer too! It's necessary to deal with him in a appropriate way." Nekomaru defended.

"So that's why you left him tied up... However... that cannot be helped. He is quite dangerous." Peko spoke, "How should I put this... he's a little creepy... Ah, not that I want to badmouth him." Mikan spoke, "He's not a little creepy, he's creepy to the max! His creepiness is so high he could see tickets to see it!" Ibuki agreed. "Hmph, that's truly a nice line. Every fiber of my being agrees with you. That's right, there is no existence more troublesome than that of an incomprehensible human... What they like and what they hate... What makes them happy, what makes them angry...It's normal for all being to have standards rooted in experience so they can predict their opponent's actions." Gundham smirked, however you had cut him off.

"Did you even feed Nagito?" You asked, taking a sip of your chosen drink, "If he's not fed properly, he could die, and you'll be the murderers." you added, "I-I know that!" Kazuichi sweated, "Jeez...I didn't expect you two would do something like that... where'd you even tie him up?" Mahiru questioned, "....T-The dining hall... in the old building..." Kazuichi spoke, "That's ....where Byakuya got killed...!" Hajime spoke, "He should reflect on his actions!" Nekomaru defended.

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