*you both get out of the car*

Y/n: Wow! They weren't kidding, the Resort looks beautiful.

Milo: *happy bark*

Y/n: Come on, lets get in.

*you and Milo walk inside of the Resort as you were at the lobby getting the room key. The screen shows the both of you walking to the room, you placed the room key inside the lock and opened it up. You and Milo looked at the room and it looked nice and clean*

 You and Milo looked at the room and it looked nice and clean*

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Y/n: Wow, the room looks nice. The bed is made, nice view of the beach-

*you then checked the bathroom and it looked clean*

*you then checked the bathroom and it looked clean*

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Y/n: *whistle* fresh.

You then placed your bag on the bed as you began to unpack, taking out your clothes.

Y/n: Boy, I'll tell you Milo. This is going to be the best vacation ever! No villians. No more people shouting at night. No lousy Landlords. And especially, No Ma-

*As you were about to finish your sentence, you pulled out your last clean shirt to see the green wooden mask lying underneath it

Y/n: What the fuck?! *you grab it* How did you get in here? I thought I left you back in my apartment, locked inside of my closet.

*you then look at Milo with a mad look*

Y/n: Milo.

Milo: *ruff*

Y/n: Did you have somethingto with this?

Milo: *nods his head saying no*

Y/n: *you didn't believe him* Really?

*Milo nods his head telling the truth*

Y/n: okay, then. Tell me, how did the mask got inside of my bag?

*As you said that, Milo began to have a flashback about how it got inside of the bag*


Hazbin Hotel x The Mask Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now