Chapter 4

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Y/n: I thought I was meant to be with Shark man and Itachi...

Y/n as walking

Y/n: So why am I with these two!?

Y/n looks to the two people that he is going on a mission with

Hiden: Be quiet!! I'll let you know that I am your elder! So you have to respect me

Hiden: Be quiet!! I'll let you know that I am your elder! So you have to respect me

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Y/n: I don't see you as an older. I see myself being a lot stronger than you.

Hidan gets pissed

Hidan: Oi Kakazu!! Why does this brat have to come along with us!?

Y/n: Who you calling a brat!?

Kakazu is counting some money as he continues walking

Kakazu: He is going to be with every team when it comes to sealing and getting rid of the jinchiriki.

Kakazu: He is going to be with every team when it comes to sealing and getting rid of the jinchiriki

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Hidan: Still....i just don't want him here!! He just annoys me!

Y/n: Well you annoy me too. But I'm not sulking am I!?

Hidan: Grrr!! You..!!!

Kakazu: Calm down Hidan. So you know why we are here Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah. We are here to collect the two tails. Don't worry. Now that I'm here it's going to be a walk in the park.

Kakazu: This kid is very cocky...and reminds me a lot of the first hokage..

Hidan: I just can't stand him!!


They were now in a cave as they are going up against a woman

They were now in a cave as they are going up against a woman

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