fryer-boy did this.

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Commotion filled the Roblox Adopt Me (RAM) pizza place. Not many people order pineapple on pizza.

It's terrifying, looking at everyone getting chopped up. The onions. The cheese-which literally gets skinned alive. The sausage. The bacon, too!

Since no one orders pineapple pizza often, I stay placed in a box in the back of the fridge. Sometimes I get a peak of the pizzas being made, but that's only when they need new items.

An employee, Fryer-boy (he's like 16 working at a pizza place), opens the fridge door and grabs some dough. And sauce. And cheese.

He leaves, closing the door. Except, he forgets to shut it all the way. So, here I am dying of heat.

Though, I can see that Fryer is making the things he just picked into a pizza. I wonder what kind! Since the toppings get taken out later.

"Viola!" Fryer-boy said. He then looked at the board. He then walked over to the fridge, a frown on his face. He opened the door and grabbed me.

He grabbed me.

No one has ever grabbed me.

He went to the counter next to the freshly made pizza. He looked out the window. "Oh, it's closing time. I guess I have to put you two back. Just, wait a minute."

Fryer-boy went to the back, then walked out with a mop. He started mopping everywhere (really badly, if I do say).

He went back, again, to the back. This time he didn't have anything in hand. Then, he went to the door. Then, he left. He really said 'bye bye!'

Teens and their sleep, I swear.

And with that.. I die, I freeze, no wait. I dry out.

"Pineapple?" Someone spoke.

"The one and only." Literally. I was the last pineapple in the fridge.

"I'm getting paired with a pineapple?"

"Seems so."

"Oh. My. God." Pizza you good there?

"Man I cannot see much." The lights flickered. "Ah. Maybe that's why?"

"What are my parents going to think?"

"What parents?" I asked, looking around.

"Dude! What is wrong with you?"


"Well, uhm! You're the one being disrespectful." I said, making glasses appear for the moment. Then they disappeared, but whatever.

Oh. You know what I just realized? How are Pizza and I going to survive the night? For all I know, some deadly things will appear and try and eat us.

"Pizza," I said, getting his attention.

"Pineapple," he said back.

"How are we getting out of here?" I asked him, hoping and praying he knew.

He thought, only for a moment. "We.. uhm. I don't know."

The cutting board I was on started to shake. I think the plate Pizza was on started to move too, but it might just have been me moving.

"Hey guys!" A deep voice said below me.

What kind of place is this... a talking cutting board?

"Who's there?" Pizza asked.

"It's obviously CuttingBoard and Plate!" A new voice said.

CuttingBoard started moving over to the window. Plate followed.

"Uhm, guys? What are you doing?" Pizza, who was being carried by plate, asked.

CuttingBoard shook under me as he talked. Must be that deep voice! "We're helping you escape. You can go to 'Work at a Pizza Place'-shortened to WAA, the choosers are kid friendly!-, next door. They're a lot nicer."

"Oh, I also heard that some boy, with dribbles on his phone, works there," Plate added on to CuttingBoard's knowledge.

"I don't think he works there, I think he just orders pizza a lot." CuttingBoard corrected.

"Well his one friend works there. That, I know!" Plate reminded.

Pizza looked over to me. A face of 'What are they? Love birds??' washed over him.

I looked back, agreeing. Like.. they remind me of that one sweet couple that passed together in the fridge. Everyone forgot about them. It was so sad.

Those pickles spent forever together, but since Cheeseburger Pizza is a rare thing at RAM, they were forgotten about. Until, like, ten weeks later, when Fryer-boy cleaned out the fridge for once.

Hopefully, WAA is better.

Pizza whistled, I looked over. He looked from me down to CuttingBoard, who was talking.

"And remember, no relationships, for food. You get separated all the time. Every relationship does."

Plate started to speak, "Winston (you guys probably know him as Fryer-boy) talks all the time about his one friend-the one who has the dribbled on phone-whos phone is in love with a popsicle??"

"The friend does a lot to make sure they're happy. It's so confusing," CuttingBoard said.

Right as CuttingBoard finished speaking, I started rolling out the window.

Here I go.. *splat!*

Oh, yay! I survived. A few hairs came off, but that's okay.

"Pineapple, watch out!" A voice from above yelled.

I look up, to see Pizza sliding slowly. He's gonna make one big mess.


"Ew! Get off me!" Pizza yelled.


"I'm not on you!" I yelled back.

Giggling was heard as Pizza quickly slid off me. CuttingBoard yelled, "Good luck!"

Plate whispered, "Let's get back. The employees will arrive in a few minutes."

Pizza and I looked each other in the eyes. Then we looked at the road, the one leading towards WAA.

The one that was traffic filled.

"Early morning rush hour, you know?" Pizza joked.

We all know who to blame for this. Fryer-boy. And also CuttingBoard and Plate.



Guess what!!

She's back, with another joke story. (I haven't even finished actual books bro.)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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