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On Thanksgiving,there is a legend of a perfect Turkey that has perfect ratio of meat on every side that you could imagine. Citizens around Elmore are hunting for the  "Golden Turkey" but to no avail...Until–

"Is that why you woke us up at five in the morning?"

"In the middle of November?"

"On the coldest day of November?"

Richard turned around to his grumpy kids who'd he woke up for Thanksgiving shopping,while driving to the store.

"Yes and no. Your mother asked me to go shopping yesterday but I forgot yesterday but she was so tired from last night that she also forgot to ask me! So we are going on a little shopping trip!" Richard said.

"How little is it?" Gumball asked.

"I can't stress it enough!" Richard said.

"Wait. There's a day in November where everyone just eats?" Rob asked confused.

"I forgot,this is your first time spending Thanksgiving with us!" [Y/N] said to Rob who was in the front seat.

"So what do we celebrate?" Rob said confused.

"The fact that countless natives lost their lives and property to people who wanted it?" Anais said.

"No. The fact that we have no school for a whole week! And what Rob said earlier." Gumball said highfiving everyone.

"Hmm...I'm still confused..." Rob said.

"Don't worry,I'll show you! Because we're here!" Richard said parking the car.

It was eerily empty at the supermarket,Everyone stepped out of the car and the cold,crisp air hit them.

"Kids! What is your objective?" Richard said to children.

"Get as much desserts as we can sir!" The children responded.

"Even If...?" Richard asked.

"ITS BUY ONE GET ONE FREE SIR!" Gumball yelled.

"Perfect! Now go and create the best Thanksgiving meal ever!" Richard said commanded the kid's.

"So what now?" Rob asked.

"Son,when you get your own family one day. You'll thank me. I'll show you how to pick out the perfect Turkey!" Richard said dragging Rob.

"Don't all Turkeys look the same?" Rob said inside the store.

"Pish posh! That's the company's wants to tell you. But I Richard Watterson can tell which Turkey is the best!" Richard said heading toward the produce section.

"When did you figure out this talent?" Rob asked Richard.

"When I was I young man,my mother would make a small Thanksgiving dinner just for me and her. I look forward every year! But one,dinner I noticed that one wing looked smaller than the other. I ask my mother "Mommy,why does one wing look bigger than the other?" She told me "Its just the way I cut it." But I knew from the start that something was wrong. From that day forward,I was determined to find the best Turkey around!" Richard declared.

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