Threats and a Conversation

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Moon rushed into Parts and Services. He was concerned--no, that was an understatement. He'd just rushed here the moment he got the call. He slammed open the doors, taking a look around. " SOLAR-! "

" Down here, Moon. " Solar raised a hand. They were sitting, leaning against one of the counters on the floor. A powered off Blood Moon leaned against them. " I talked to them. They started sobbing. Did some repairs.. You didn't tell Sun, did you? "

Moon shook his head, crouching. " Sun will probably have a panic attack if he sees Blood Moon.. I'll tell him later. " he spoke softly. Solar nodded. " What's the plan, Moon? I got them here, what do we do with them. " only one thought popped into his head.

".. Kill them? "

" No. "

Solar put an end to that quickly. " I think there's hope for them. Even if they are, uhm.. What's the word.. une chose meurtrière? " Moon raised an eyebrow. " Even if they're murderous, damnit. " Solar stood. " This, from what I've seen, is just another K.C. They, i hope, have probably some sort of redeemable quality. "

" I kind of just want to kill them off, " Moon spoke, glaring at the red animatronic on the floor. " but you-- i trust you. And i will say this now; some people don't want to be redeemed. " Solar nodded. He knew that, and he had more than enough examples of it.

" I know that, Moon.. It'd be easier if we just scrapped him. But that comes back to haunt you.. I'm not gonna kill another person. " He knew his Sun's ' death ' wasn't his fault. Not fully, at least. But it still haunted him. " I get that. Are you sure, that they aren't a lost cause?" Moon said cautiously. " Sure. I think they aren't fully lost.. And i don't think this is the same Blood Moon Sun killed, either. "

" They died, didn't they? They said that their memories were fuzzy themselves, i think. I don't think they have the full picture. They were originally made the kill, that's all they'd know. I don't think they're good, but they aren't unredeemable. "

" .. "
" How long did it take to come up with that? "
" How long do you think? "
" An hour. "
" No. "
" 30 minutes? "
" I winged it. "
" SON OF A-- "

Moon looked down at Blood Moon, kicking the red animatronics leg lightly. " Get them out of rest mode. I'm gonna talk to them. " Solar crouched, looking back at the other. " Don't threaten them too much. " " No promises, Solar. "

He sighed, looking back at the red animatronic. " Alright, bloody. Get up. " he looked at the wires on the back of there head, flipping a switch. Blood Moon blinked, looking around the room. They jumped back when seeing Moon.

" Moon man had come to us, his presence fills us with disgust. " They seemed fine. Moon sighed, waving. " Hello to you too, dipshit. " he turned to the other in the room. " Mind stepping out for a second? Im going to have a.. ' talk ' with Bloodmoon. "

Despite the bad feeling that gave hin, Solar nodded. " Don't kill then. Remember what i said. That goes for both of you, i mean it. " Bloodmoon nodded, Moon gave a thumbs up. Despite his better judgment, he left the room. Moon turned to glare at the red animatronic.

" Listen here, you little murderous fuck, " he wasn't sparing with his insults. " I will give you a chance, an out, because Solar believes theres good in you. But the moment you slip up, hurt someone i--we--care about? "

" I will not hesitate, to tear you limb from limb, until you are nothing but a pile of unrecognizable scrap. "

A chuckle was heard from Bloodmoon. " Moon man's gone back to his old ways, or is this just an angry phase? " He'd figure out what there rhymes meant later. " I already didn't like the idea of redeeming you, but i will play nice, for the sake of my siblings. But i will. Not. Hesitate. Do you get that? "

Holding back anymore snarky comments, Bloodmoon nodded. " We'll play fair, won't cause anything to need repair! " he stood, looking for where Solar had walked off too. He opened the door, finding he'd just sat down next to the door. " Alright, we're good. "

Solar stood, walking back into the room. He stood in the doorway for a second. " Oh my god.. How do we tell everyone else. Bloodmoon hurt Lunar and Earth. Sun has trauma from them. Lunar will probably jump them the moment he gets the chance..! " he murmered, tugging at his rays. He'd picked that habit up a long time ago. Ended up doing it so much there were scratchs on his rays.

Moon pulled his hands down. " No. You thought this was a good idea, it probably is. This will be fine. " Solar nodded. " Can you go tell Sun? And Lunar. And Earth. I'll talk to Bloodmoon and all that.. " Moon nodded, turning and walking out of PAS.

Solar sighed, looking at the red animatronic. Bloodmoon had hopped on one of the counters, just sorta of sitting there. ".. Why? " He raised an eyebrow. They shrugged. " It seemed fun! "

" Blood Moon, i am talking seriously with you. Seriously. This is-- this is a serious conversation. Pour l'amour de Dieu.. " Blood Moon blinked a few times, narrowing his gaze at the rayed animatronic. " I want to help you. But i can't help you if you keep.. How do i explain this.. "

" You can't hurt people who are trying to help you; not Moon, not Sun, not Lunar or Earth, nobody. And i know you like to kill, and we will find a way to manage that. " Blood Moon grumbled at that. " We like to hurt people, want to watch the blood drain from their face, Watch them writh and thrash in pain! "

" I get that..i think, but that doesn't mean you can hurt innocent people. You can go kill homeless people or something. " The last sentence completely contradicted the first one, but he didn't tell care. Blood Moon grumbled a bit more, nodding. " Fine...We'll play by your rules. "

Solar smiled briefly. " Thank you, Bloodmoon. " He turned, walking towards the doorway. " Come on, let's go find Sun and Moon. " the red celestial hesitated, before hopping off the counter and following the other.

Word count
1050 words

Did you guys know Solar apparently canonically speaks some french🤭

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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