Eliza felt Blaise slump in relief when the woman finally left and Eliza found herself smiling when Remus threw his arm over her shoulders as well bringing them all in for a sort of group hug.

“Let’s get home shall we?” Remus said then and Eliza laughed softly when Blaise let out a barely audible ‘please’

The summer holidays had officially begun.


Summer proceeded in its usual chaotic fashion.

Deciding that the summer weather this year was too nice to waste Sirius proposed that once again they went holiday-ing around Britain, this time with a confused but happy Blaise. They had beach days and nights out and Eliza and Remus couldn’t stop giggling over Blaise’s mystified expression when he was first confronted with an ice-cream van. They spent weeks dashing from Cornwall to Devon to Suffolk. They visited the Lake District and when they were sure no-one was looking Eliza and Sirius shifted into their animagi forms and started chasing each other through the mountains and by the lakes.

By Mid-July they had made a pit-stop in Manchester, the music capital as Sirius described it – not that Eliza could really disagree. She could tell Sirius must have spent a lot of time in the city, the way he easily navigated the vinyl shops and back-streets as they wandered through the city. Apparently he used to drag her father down here for concerts and Remus always had to help them get back when they were too drunk to call the knight bus.

And then the sequel to Jurassic park was released.

“What was that?” Sirius screeched as they all stumbled out of the Printworks, blinking in the face of the bright city lights after sitting in the dark cinema “What was with that plot?”

“Sequels are always worse Padfoot, you know this” Remus commented, shaking his head over Sirius’ dramatics.

“But- Sirius protested “But Jurassic Park. I thought it would be different”

“You shouldn’t have” Eliza said with a smirk as they wandered past the brightly lit fountains “It was still a good film though”

“The velociraptors were cool” Blaise said eventually, shoving the last of his popcorn into his mouth before chucking the empty carton into a near-by bin.

“So cool”

Sirius didn’t stop complaining about the t-rex until they returned to Grimmauld – just in time for Eliza’s seventeenth birthday.

Eliza had already said she didn’t want any big celebration, and when she thought Sirius and Blaise were still scheming she then threatened them both to make sure that they didn’t do anything too extravagant.

As long as she had her family with her, that was more than enough for Eliza.


Eliza woke up to Kreacher.

The old elf was stood grumpily in her room, snapping his fingers to wake Eliza up from her sleep. Groggily pushing herself up Eliza stared at the elf in confusion as she tried to bury herself in her blankets again.

“What’s wrong Kreacher?” Eliza murmured and Kreacher let out a little huff.

“The mutt is waiting outside little mistress’ door with a bucket of water and a bag of feathers” Kreacher warned before he sent her a little glare “Breakfast will be ready in twenty minutes. Don’t be late”

And with that he left her room with a ‘pop’

Eliza really did love that elf.

Quickly getting ready, Eliza threw on some jeans and a jumper she swears must have been Theo’s at some point. Throwing her hair into a messy bun Eliza grabbed her wand before she headed towards the door.

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