“This looks amazing” Eliza breathed and Narcissa smiled clearly pleased by Eliza’s praise.

“Thank you dear but I think you should go and enjoy it now. Draco’s somewhere in the crowd”

Eliza smiled and turned to face Sirius who was looking slightly overwhelmed “Will you be okay?”

Sirius hadn’t been out in high society for many years now, not that he ever really enjoyed it in the first place, and Eliza worried about how he would cope with tonight. He smiled down at her and made an aborted move to ruffle her hair but stopped under the weight of her glare.

“Don’t worry about me Pup” he said “go out there and cause trouble”

She heard Lucius let out a sigh that conveyed just how much he disagreed with that sentiment but did nothing to stop her when she darted into the crowd. It was hard to move about quickly in her ballgown, but Eliza still managed to slip in and out of the crowd with somewhat ease until eventually she came upon her court. They had all gathered in the corner, talking to one another happily. The boys were all wearing traditional wizarding robes and Daphne was wearing a light pink floor length dress, Susan stood by her side.

“If you stay in this corner the whole night I’m going to be very disappointed” Eliza commented, easily slipping into the group who all turned to look at her with a smile.

“Not all of us come to these things for the politics Eliza” Blaise said wryly and Eliza tutted in false disappointment.

“Exactly” Daphne said agreeing with Blaise “some of us come here for the excellent company” she finished looking at Susan who rolled her eyes at Daphne when she winked.

“You can be as sweet as you want, you will never make me dance with you” Susan replied with a shake of her head and Eliza and her court all shared pitying glances. If Daphne wanted to dance than there was no way Susan was getting out of it, even if she did have two left feet.

“Well all of you might be fine with squandering your chances” Eliza said in a false haughty tone “but I’m not”

“It is a shame the minister isn’t here tonight” Theo said taking a sip of his champagne “it would have been fun watching Eliza tear him to pieces”

Multiple murmurs of agreement came from all of them at that.

“I promised Narcissa I would be on my best behaviour” Eliza responded easily and heard Draco murmur a very quiet ‘thank merlin’

She spent half an hour stood with her court happily chatting with them all and trying to sneak a glass of wine from unsuspecting waiters before she decided to make her move.

“Does anyone want to join me as I turn this very civil ball into a warzone or?” Eliza trailed off grinning mischievously as they all shook their heads in exasperation and possibly a bit of despair before Theo stepped forward.

“I wouldn’t mind joining you for a round” he said easily and Eliza smiled happily, linking her arm through his own.

“I thought we’d start with the Parkisnon’s. They’re over by Lady Abbot right now and she’s been a known advocate in the education sect these past months” Eliza started to explain as they moved around the room. She and Theo spent quite a while making the rounds of the hall with Eliza providing commentary and Theo shaking his head and trying to hide his small snickers at her bitching.

“I’m just saying if Burke could see what was in front of him rather than being blinded by money signs, he would be a bit easier to deal with-

“Now, now little star. It would do no good to slander a valuable ally”

Ink and Parchment ~ blood and boneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang