33- what happens in the common room stays in the common room III

Start from the beginning

Eliza was family.

And he would do absolutely anything for her.

No matter what.


The summer had not been an easy one for Daphne.

Her parents wouldn’t stop wittering on about marriage contracts and proper ‘lady-like’ behaviour and all Daphne wanted to do was tell them to stuff it. She was proud to be a Greengrass, family was everything to her and just because she wasn’t the perfect little pureblood woman didn’t mean she was a disgrace to the family name.

If anything it was her parents who were stuck so far up their own arses they couldn’t see where the future was taking them. Because Daphne knew Eliza was going to change the world. It was a fact. The sky was blue, the grass was green and Eliza Potter was going to create history.

And Eliza wasn’t going to wait around in fear of offending old pureblood sensibilities.

Eliza was the real problem actually. Or perhaps she had been the start of it.

Daphne loved Eliza, just like she loved Draco and Blaise and Theo, but after the quidditch world cup Daphne noticed that her feelings had changed quite a bit.

She’d had crushes before, just never before on another girl.

Because Eliza was pretty and amazing and talented and brave and caring and-

Wow she really had it bad didn’t she?

The problem wasn’t that she had a crush on Eliza. Eliza was too dense to notice anyone’s feelings, she could barely even understand her own she sure wouldn’t recognise Daphne’s. The problem was that she liked girls.

Because her mother had only had two girls, no boys. Which meant it was Daphne’s job to provide for one to carry on the Greengrass name. But as it turned out she didn’t like boys which put her position in the family at risk.

Of course no one in the wizarding world cared about sexuality – Daphne could have dalliances with whomever she liked. As long as she was willing to ‘settle down’ when the right time came. As long as she could provide an heir because bloodlines were more important than happiness.

A voice that sounded suspiciously like Eliza said ‘fuck that’

At this moment in time Daphne was rather inclined to agree.

“I protect what’s mine after all” Eliza said to Astoria with a damning wink and Daphne already knew she was blushing bright red. Draco gave her a knowing look but Daphne opted to ignore him.

As if any of them had not had a small crush on Eliza at one point or another.

It was amazing how far Eliza’s obliviousness ran really.


Theo didn’t have a good feeling about this year. It wasn’t surprising really, giving their track record. First year, the dark lord. Second year, also the dark lord. Third year, surprisingly not the dark lord but still definitely dark lord related. And between all that Eliza had been pen pals with a dark lord chasing a resurrection ritual.

Oh, and the dementors.

Couldn’t forget about them.

He had long since stopped hoping for a normal year. That being said he had not expected this year’s catastrophe to come in the form of the triwizard tournament. Eliza had handled the announcement well, as always, but Theo was still left with some niggling doubt. Because if Eliza Potter was involved nothing could ever be that easy. But still Theo tried his best to push those worries out of his mind. He had other concerns to focus on, namely Professor Moody.

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