“And you have brought the little speaker with you. How did your foolish human game go? Did master win?” Jormy hissed, head lowering further and further to the floor underneath Tom’s persistent scratches.

“We drew actually Jormy” Eliza hissed at the basilisk. Tom shot her an angry glare but Eliza couldn’t tell if it was because he was a sore loser or if it was because she used Jormy’s nickname.

“Ah of course you did little speaker. This proves you will be a worthy-

“Jormugand” Tom hissed loudly, his usual calm control disappearing “we are going to practice duelling now – please be careful”

If a basilisk could roll its eyes Jormy definitely would have done. Instead he simply butted his large head against them and with a petulant hiss returned back to his nest in the chamber.

“Right” Tom declared loudly spinning on his heel “Let’s begin shall we?”

Eliza didn’t like the look of that smirk on Tom’s face – it promised nothing but misery.

“I agreed to these sessions to better train Eliza however the more people she faces against the more experience she will earn. To begin with we’re going to assess what level you are working at” Tom instructed and drew his wand from his holster.

“All of you against both me and Eliza. You win if you disarm both of us” Tom said issuing his challenge. Eliza sent him a look but he ignored it looking like the perfect picture of innocence. After seeing the determined looks settle on her courts faces Eliza drew her own wand with a sigh and came to stand next to Tom.

“What are the rules?”

Tom paused for a moment absently twirling his wand in an uncannily familiar gesture.

“No unforgivables – dark curses are allowed but only those that can be healed”

“I’m shit at healing spells” Eliza muttered.

“Then you best not get hit then darling”

That was the only warning Eliza received before the duel commenced.

Her court immediately spread out from the line they had been standing in she was pleased to notice. They clearly planned to take advantage of the space around them and try and surround Tom and herself on all fronts.

Unsurprisingly it was Theo who cast the first spell – a stupefy that Eliza deflected with ease but that was enough to start everyone casting. She and Tom ended up back to back as they took turns in defending and attacking. It was almost unnerving how well they worked together.

Eliza knew Tom could take them all out in under a minute, knew that she could probably do the same but the point of this exercise wasn’t about flaunting their strength – it was about assessing her courts weakness.

A few more minutes passed of her court volleying them with spells and although impressive for fourth years, with a few rare dark magic spells tossed in the mix by Theo and Draco, Eliza knew they could be better if they so desired.

She didn’t expect them to match her and Tom, didn’t want them too. She and Tom were products of their upbringing more than anything else at times. She didn’t want them to suffer just for a boost in power. But she did know that they were capable of more.

“Do you want to end this or shall I darling?” Tom asked casting a protego to block a melifors jinx from Daphne.

Eliza didn’t bother verbally responding. Instead she cast an overpowered aguamenti and froze the ground beneath them. A favourite trick of hers. Her court had no time to register what had happened before they were all hitting the floor and she and Tom took care of their wands with a quick expelliarmus.

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