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I was currently sitting at a table in hooters with my brother. Ugh boys are disgusting. I looked around and observed all the girls and their boobs hanging out. I applaud them for their courage, but couldn't be me.

"Justin I would like to eat my food without throwing it back up." I said to my brother.

"Well, make sure you go outside."

I glared and our waitress walked up to us.

"What can I get for y'all?" she asked with a very apparent southern accent.

I glanced at her and said "Less boobs with a side of fries."

Her eyes went wide but didn't say anything. I looked at Justin and he was holding in his laughter. Then he calmed down and ordered. Once she walked away he gave me a high-five.

"That was genius, Scar!" He was still laughing.


I was laying on my stomach on my bed, one ear bud in, scrolling through tumblr. Then I heard a motorcycle roar, which made me think about how badly I'd love to be on Parker's bike right now.

I glanced over at my phone and contemplated if I should call him or not. Of course my inner "I don't care" side said no, but my speed demon, motorcycle loving side said yes. My speed demon won of course.

I went to my contacts and seen he entered it as "PP" which made me laugh. I pressed the call button on my IPhone. It rang, with each ring my heart beat got faster. I don't know why. I guess I don't call guys often. It went to voicemail, so I decided to get in the shower.

I let the water drench me for about an hour. I went back into my room, got dressed, and decided that I wanted to watch Netflix. I got all set up in my bed then my freaking phone buzzed, from all the way across the room. I decided to ignore it.


It was now 3:45 a.m and my phone buzzed for the fourth time so I got up and looked at my lit up screen. "PP" flashed, I swiped to answer it.

"Hello?" I answered, confused as to why he was awake.

"Finally you answer!"

"I was watching Orange Is The New Black!"

"Ooooh I like that show, but come outside! Time to go motorcycle riding!"

I squealed (but hung up first) put on my leather jacket, skinny jeans, and combat boots, and ran to my window. Once I got both legs out the window, I casually climbed down my very cliche placed tree and saw Parker. And damn did that boy look good.

He had his hair pushed back, he was also wearing a leather jacket and some well loved black vans. He was very attractive but this is for the motorcycles. I nodded my head at him as a 'hello' and he nodded back.

"We are gonna go to my garage a few houses down and pick up my other bike." He said.

I hopped onto the back of his bike and wrapped my arms around his torso, again feeling those amazing abs. Once we got to his garage I stared at his cherry red yamaha. It was gorgeous, I felt myself drooling.

"I'm guessing you like it?" He asked laughing walking in front of me pretending to wipe my chin. I playfully slapped his hand away.

"I love it!" I quickly got on and it roared to life and I smirked at Parker.

"Where we heading PP?"

"You'll see. Follow me." He smirked back.

So I followed right behind him and he took me to some racing track thing. Let's just say I was overly excited right now.

He looked back at me, "let's race."


It was currently our 3rd lap and guess who was winning?

Obviously me. I was getting very cocky and he started to catch up, I cut him off from passing me. I felt sweat drip down my neck, this felt amazing I missed riding. Finally I reached our finish line and quickly shut off the engine and flipped him the bird.

"Suck on that!" I yelled and he laughed.

"You're pretty good I'll give you that. Come on."

I raised an eyebrow but followed. He pulled out two bottles of water and we sat on the bleachers that in closed the arena. Which brought me to a previous thought.

"How did you get in here?"

"My dad owns this place."

I raised my eyebrows very impressed. Now I see where he got the amazing bikes. Next thing I know he was looking at me and our eyes connected. I memorized the gorgeous pools of blue. What the hell was I doing? I quickly looked away and coughed.

"I have an offer for you."

"That's is?" I asked meeting his eyes again, and he smiled.

"Do you want to be on my race team?"

I opened my eyes, shocked, "Race team?" I questioned. I had never heard of any race teams here.

"Me and my friends race have our own race team. We call ourselves "Clique 6", there used to be 6 of us but one dropped so we need a new member. We race against other teams, sometimes it's dangerous and there isn't many girls. Are you in?" He asked me looking hopeful.

I thought about it, it would be really awesome! But would my brother like that? I don't know yet... "I'll tell you tomorrow." I said.

His face dropped, "Scarlett please!" He begged.

"Fine. But, I have to talk to my family about it."

He jumped up and picked me up into a big hug and whispered in my ear, "Thank you Scarlett, this team is my world." And then he put me down. He smiled slightly.

I returned the smile. This won't be that bad, I wanted to do something bad so here I go. It's more like badass than illegal bad but whatever, I'll plan that some other time.

"You can race with my bike, okay?" He said looking a lot more happy than a kid in a candy shop.

"Okay." I smiled.


I was now riding the motorcycle home, Parker behind me. I parked it in my garage and then went back out onto the grass. I'm gonna have some explaining to do. I went outside and Parker was waiting there patiently. "Thank you for getting me out of the house PP, I had fun." I said.

"So did I, it was no problem, go to sleep, I'll text you sometime." He winked.

"You do that." I smirked and we looked at each other for a few minutes. Then I walked up to the tree and got to my window facing Parker, I blew him a kiss and went inside.

Where ever it came from I enjoyed it. I laid in bed and didn't realize how tired I was till I laid down and quickly passed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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