FOREVER MINE - Chapter 25

Start from the beginning

At first, she was hurt, but since then, anger had set in. She was sure Dana had something, if not everything, to do with Angel's unwavering frame of mind.

She'd see Sofia soon enough when she showed up for track after school, but in the meantime, she only needed to take three classes. She made sure they were all scheduled at the end of the day. Her plan was simple: move quickly from class to class, and keep her head low. The last thing she wanted was to run into Angel and Dana.

It was only a matter of time before she'd see him. She knew this, but she wanted to postpone it as long as possible.

The second she walked into her physics class, she realized her planning was all for nothing. Angel was sitting in the back of the class, and their eyes locked. For a moment, she was frozen. She gathered her thoughts enough to know if she sat in the front, she wouldn't have to look at him. Not surprisingly, most of the front seats were empty and she sat down in the closest one to her.

She'd barely sat down when, Kim, a girl she knew from the track team leaned over.

"Oh my God, I thought you moved back to Arizona."

Sarah turned to see a face full of braces smiling big at her. She realized then she hadn't noticed who else was in the class. The only one she'd seen was Angel. Everyone else was a complete blur. Her breathing was going back to normal, and she forced a smile.

"Change of plans. I'll be here a little longer."

The class started, and she tried to concentrate on what the teacher was lecturing. She hardly heard a word. All she kept thinking of was Angel's expression when he saw her. She was trying to put a finger on it. He wasn't angry, but he certainly wasn't pleased.

When class was over, as much as she told herself to not look back, she couldn't resist. She glanced back to where he'd been sitting, but he was gone. He apparently wasn't planning on even speaking to her. She bit her lip. Though she felt it coming, she forced the anguish away. She was done crying for Angel Moreno.

The rest of the day was fairly painless. When she showed up to track practice, Coach Rudy was overjoyed to hear she was trying out for the team. He said it was a mere formality. She was already in.

No one was happier to see her than Sofia. Sarah had gotten a little choked up when she'd hugged her so hard she thought she'd never let go. Sarah explained briefly that she would be around for a little longer but told her she had every intention of going back to Arizona as soon as her circumstances changed.

The next couple of days were even worse. Angel didn't show up to her physics class, and by the end of the third day, his name wasn't being called during roll call. He'd obviously changed his schedule. It was a slap in the face, but she sucked it up. At least she didn't have to deal with seeing him in class every day.

Sydney was getting increasingly annoyed with Angel's continued inflexibility. That weekend, she told Sydney about Angel changing his schedule, and to her surprise, she broke down and sobbed. Sydney was livid.

"Fuck him, Lynni. He's an asshole."

Could she have been that off about Angel? It amazed her now that somewhere in her warped mind, she'd actually thought Syd and Angel could be friends someday.

"I'm just waiting for my mom to be out, so I can come home," she sniffed. "It's all I want."

"Don't put your life on hold though, Lynn. It may be a while. Enjoy yourself. Go out. Seriously, have fun."

Sarah couldn't even imagine having fun. She could barely concentrate on just getting through the day without having some kind of emotional breakdown.

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