FOREVER MINE - Chapter 23

Start from the beginning

The weather was considerably cold with many of the people arriving in coats and heavy jackets. But Angel felt hot.

The yellow Impala was parked across the street. Angel squeezed his eyes shut for a second, remembering that night. He leaned against Alex's truck parked just two cars away from the restaurant's front door.

"I don't have a lot of time." Angel crossed his arms over his chest.

"I'll make this fast."

Angel did his best to look bored."Sarah loves you, Angel."

Angel stared at Sydney, his expression shrouded. "Funny, she's never told me that."

"She couldn't. She felt too guilty saying it when she knew she was going to be leaving," Sydney said. "That's just the way she is."

Of course she'd felt guilty.

Angel chuckled. "She loves me so much she's dying to go back to Arizona to live with another guy?"

Sydney stared at him. "For someone who claims to love Sarah so much, you really don't know shit about her, do you?"

Angel pressed his lips together, making every attempt to remain calm. "I know she lied about why she really wanted to go back, and that she's been in love with someone else this whole time." His words oozed with bitterness.

"You have no idea, do you?" Sydney shook his head. "Sarah and I go back a long way, and yeah, she loves me. I love her too."

Angel felt the knife, already lodged deep in his heart, being twisted viciously.

"She's like a sister to me, always has been and always will be. But the thought of her being close to any other guy besides you has you so fucked up you're gonna lose her."

Angel's pulse rose. He stared at Sydney square in the eye. "She's made her decision."

"You made it for her."

"She made it the day she decided no one would stop her from going back to you," Angel clenched his teeth, "not even me."

Sydney glared at him in disbelief. "So, that's it? You're gonna let your insecurities come in the way of your feelings for her? You're letting her go, just like that?"

Angel didn't respond. It took everything in him to not bang his fist against Alex's truck.

Sydney looked disgusted. He shook his head and began walking away. After only a few steps, he stopped and turned around. Angel hadn't moved.

"You know, after all she'd told me about you, I expected a lot more. I was actually happy that she'd found you. But now I can see I was way off. I'm glad she's coming back to Arizona. You don't deserve her."

Angel felt the same sick feeling he'd felt that night he'd seen Sarah with Sydney. The same feeling he'd felt when he was sick the entire next day. He glared at his feet.

"I'm sure you two will be very happy."

Sydney turned around one last time before getting in his car. "Yeah, you would think that."

Sydney drove away, revving the engine loudly as he past Angel.

Sarah loves you, Angel.

As much as he wanted to believe it, the thought of her undeniable attachment to Sydney made it impossible—the way she'd dressed for Sydney that night and the way she'd held his hand in the restaurant. It was clear how she really felt about him, and it stung like hell.

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