FOREVER MINE - Chapter 18

Start from the beginning

They'd been there almost two hours, and Angel couldn't believe people were still arriving. The place was almost too crowded. Angel could tell Sarah was trying to give him his space with the guys. She'd come over and hang with him for a little bit then walk back to mingle with her girlfriends.

He didn't have a problem with her staying by his side the whole night, but he knew Sarah. She wasn't having it. Giving him his space for some inane reason had always been important to her.

Alex showed up late, but Angel appreciated it. He knew this kind of party didn't even compare to the parties he was attending now that he was in college. Yet here he was, looking happier than ever to see him.

"Happy birthday, little man." Alex shook his hand then pulled him in for a bear hug. Angel groaned when Alex purposely squeezed him hard. Only Alex could make him feel small. He cut him loose and looked around. "Damn, this place is packed." Alex looked pleased.

There was too much alcohol floating around. That was never good. He'd already noticed some of the employees' stern expressions. There was only one security guard. An older guy in his fifties, and he had had a hard enough time breaking up a verbal altercation earlier between two girls. Of course, it didn't help that there were a bunch of idiots around yelling, "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Angel had kept his eye on Sarah most of the night, but when Alex got there, he lost her in the crowd. Romero walked by and Angel tugged his shirt. "You seen the girls?"

It was obvious Romero was already lit. "Yeah, I've seen lots of girls."

"I mean Sofie and Sarah, stupid."

Romero struggled to lift his eyebrows. Angel could tell he'd be no help. "Not sure about Sarah, but Sofie's with Eric."

"Where's Eric?"

"I don't know."Angel frowned. Why the hell did he bother? Just as he gathered his thoughts, there was a commotion behind him. He turned around and fists flew. He backed up and before he knew it, there were cups and food flying through the air.

Everyone scrambled, girls screamed, and more got involved in the fight. Angel searched frantically for Sarah and Sofia. He felt a hand on his shoulder and jerked it off defensively, but it was Alex.

"Where's Sofia?" His concerned expression matched what Angel was feeling.

"I don't know." Angel was pissed he'd let the girls out of his sight. It was chaos. People were being shoved around. Angel and Alex pushed their way through the crowd.

"There's Sarah." Alex pointed.Angel saw her and rushed to her. She was with Valerie, but Sofia was nowhere around. Sarah's alarmed expression eased up the moment she saw him. He took her hand as soon as he reached her. "Where's Sofie?"

She shook her head. "I dunno. We got split up when everyone started pushing."

"Keep moving people!" The security guard and a couple of the bowling alley employees were making everyone exit.

They had no choice but to go outside. They all stood in the parking lot anxiously, watching the flood of kids continue to pour out of the exit.

What the hell was he thinking bringing Sofia tonight? Angel felt Sarah squeeze his hand. He spotted Eric in the crowd coming out the doorway but no Sofia. He noticed Eric held his arm out behind him, and as the crowd thinned out, he saw Sofia was on the other end of his arm, holding his hand. Angel exhaled as blissful relief set in.

"There they are!" Sarah lifted her hand in the air to get their attention.

Eric saw them and walked through the crowd toward them, never once letting go of Sofia's hand. When Eric reached them, he clapped Angel on the shoulder with his free hand and a fat grin. "Dude! Is this a birthday or what?"

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