FOREVER MINE - Chapter 10

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She was very nice and spoke with a slight accent. Angel thought she went a little overboard, trying to make Sarah and Valerie comfortable, offering them more of everything a few too many times. But Sarah and Valerie thought she was very nice.

His dad, Salvador, was also in his mid-forties and very tall with broad shoulders. He was built very well for a man his age. He didn't talk nearly as much as Angel's mother did, saying only that he was glad to meet them, and then quickly excusing himself to get back to work. But Sarah had been able to see, just by the way he spoke to Angel and Sofia, that he was a no nonsense kind of man.

At the same time, she heard tenderness in his voice when he spoke to Isabel and Sofia, referring to both as mi amor or cariño. She'd felt the same familiar hint of envy she'd felt all too many times when she'd been around Sydney and his parents.

The restaurant was busy, and Angel had hung with Sarah and Valerie off and on while they ate. At the moment, he'd been called back into the office by his dad.

Valerie was on her second round at the buffet, and Sarah sat at the table lost in thought. All through breakfast, she kept thinking of what Valerie had told her that morning about Dana and could feel herself getting anxious. She sat there playing with her food when she was startled. "Is that Valerie?"

Sarah jumped, almost spilling her drink, and looked up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sneak up on you." Alex put his hand on her shoulder.

Sarah smiled feeling silly. "That's okay."

She moved her drink a little further away from her plate. When she glanced back at Alex, he was busy sizing up Valerie. Sarah followed his eyes over to Valerie who was still piling food on her plate.

"Well," he smiled, "I'm partial to brunettes, but a cute little blonde every now and then could do a body good."

Sarah rolled her eyes. Every now and then? Valerie wasn't kidding when she'd said he was her ideal guy. There'd be no talks of commitments between these two. At least there'd be no hard feelings if anything happened.

"That's really romantic," Sarah said.

Alex smiled at Sarah. She was sitting all the way in the booth, so Angel could sit next to her whenever he stopped by their table. Alex slid in next to her. "You think so?"

Sarah sat up a little straighter and kept her eyes on her food. "I didn't think you were here today."

"I just got here," he said "You missed me?"

Sarah felt her cheeks warm. Damn him. Why did he like to make her squirm? "No, Valerie asked about you, actually."

Valerie walked toward them with a big giddy smile.

"Did she now?" Alex raised an eyebrow. Valerie put her plate down on the table and sat down facing Alex. Sarah immediately did the introductions.

"Alex, this is my cousin, Valerie." Then smiling silly she said, "and I think you know who Alex is, right, Valerie?"

She'd meant to embarrass Valerie playfully, but Valerie took it in stride.

"Of course, I do." She reached her hand out to shake his. "I'd have to have been buried for the last few years if I didn't."

Alex smiled. "Really? I remember you now."

Valerie rolled her eyes slightly.

"I saw that." he said.

"I wasn't trying to hide it." Valerie laughed.

"You don't think I remember you?"

"Nope." She dug in to her food.

"You wanna bet?"

Valerie shook her head. "You'll lose."

"Does that mean you're scared?"

"Of betting that you don't remember ever seeing me before? Of course not. But what are we betting for?"

Alex thought about it for a second then smiled big. "You have plans for tonight?"Sarah choked back a laugh. As if he'd have to win a bet to get a date with Valerie.

"I might," Valerie said.Sarah nearly spit up her food, and Alex turned to look at her. She put the napkin to her mouth, coughing.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Alex asked.

She put a hand up, feeling stupid. "I'm fine." She managed to say. "Just went down the wrong pipe."

Valerie glared at her but quickly changed her expression back to a smile when Alex turned back to her. "You might?" he asked peering at her. "What does that mean?"

Valerie shrugged. "All depends on if anything better comes up."She took a spoonful of food and chewed while smiling sinfully at Alex.

"Okay," Alex smirked. "If I win the bet, you cancel whatever plans you have, and I take you out."

"You're on."

Sarah was amazed at the ease these two were talking. She remembered barely being able to breathe the first few times she spoke with Angel, let alone flirt. She watched and listened to Valerie, completely impressed.

Alex sat forward with that wicked smile of his. "What time do I pick you up?"

Valerie and Sarah both laughed. "You haven't won yet," Valerie reminded him.

Alex turned to look at Sarah, then back at Valerie. "Oh, yeah, that. Sure, I've seen you before. You're Reggie Luna's ex."

Valerie's expression went blank. She looked at him then at Sarah. "I never mentioned Reggie." Sarah said quickly.

"No," Alex said. "We played on the same team last year. You broke his heart."

Valerie's eyes opened wide. Sarah smiled, glad it was Valerie he was making squirm now and not her. Valerie tried to regain her composure. "Did I?" She looked at Alex curiously.

"Sure did." His expression was smug. "So, why'd you dump him?"

Alex's eyes were fixed on Valerie. Sarah could see Valerie's face turn bright pink. Angel approached their table just behind Valerie, and she decided to come to Valerie's rescue.

"Angel, how much longer do you have to work?"

Angel shook his head. "That's it. I'm done." He reached the table. "Now that this lazy slug finally got here, I can leave."

"Work?" Alex said. "I'm busy."

Angel glanced at him then at Valerie.

Sarah smiled. "I've pretty much been invisible for the past fifteen minutes or so."

"Well, at least he's not hitting on you anymore."

"Who said that?" Alex leaned onto Sarah.

Angel pulled him off her. "Are you done?"

Sarah put her hand on her stomach and made a face. "Stuffed."

"Really?" Valerie asked. "We haven't even had dessert yet."

"Stay and finish," Alex said. "I'll keep you company. This guy just can't wait to get Sarah away from me."

Angel smiled and pulled Alex by the back of his shirt. "Let her out."

"Are you okay with me going?" Sarah asked Valerie.

"Not really," Alex said, getting up. "But if he's gonna be an ass about—Oh, you were talking to Valerie."

Sarah laughed and Angel shoved him, barely moving him."Yeah, go ahead," Valerie said. "I'll see you at home later."

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