From Wedding Waltz to Forever

Start from the beginning

Sana's initial shyness melted away as you shared laughter and easy conversation on the dance floor.

The dance turned into a magical moment, 

and by the end of it, 

you and Sana were left smiling at each other, 

feeling a connection that went beyond the dance floor. 

The guests, 

recognizing the blossoming romance, 

decided to let you two enjoy the moment without any interruptions.

As the night continued, 

Sana and you became inseparable. 

The initial shyness transformed into shared laughter and countless stolen glances. 

What began as a dance at a wedding turned into a sweet and funny love story that you both cherished.

In the days that followed Dahyun and Momo's wedding, 

your connection with Sana continued to grow stronger. 

The two of you found joy in discovering shared interests, 

quirky inside jokes, 

and the simple pleasures of each other's company.

Your friends, Dahyun and Momo, 

couldn't be happier for you both. 

They playfully reminded you of that magical dance, 

claiming credit for bringing you together. 

Dahyun would wink and say, 

"I always knew there was something special between you two!" 

Momo would chime in with a mischievous grin, 

"We're the best matchmakers in town!"

Sana's initial shyness around you had turned into a source of amusement for both of you. 

She would playfully roll her eyes whenever someone brought up the story of how she avoided eye contact during the wedding. 

"I was just being subtle!" 

she'd insist, 

a playful smile dancing on her lips.

Your relationship with Sana was filled with sweet and funny moments. 

There were movie nights where you argued about which film to watch, 

lazy Sundays spent exploring your favorite spots in the city, 

and evenings filled with laughter over shared stories. 

Each day brought new discoveries about each other, 

strengthening the bond you shared.

One weekend, 

Dahyun and Momo invited you and Sana to a casual gathering with friends. 

As the group shared stories and laughter, 

someone brought up the topic of weddings. 

The room fell silent for a moment, 

and then Dahyun couldn't resist teasingly saying, 

"Remember that dance at our wedding, you two? It was like a scene from a romantic movie!"

Sana blushed, 

her eyes sparkling with fond memories. 

"Yeah, well, your wedding dance was the best thing that ever happened to me," 

Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now