True Heros

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I always thought heroes wore big cloaks
Go out to fight bad guys
Seek justice
And everything ends in happily ever after

Instead, I see through the screens, people in blue vests
Running around the streets
Revealing their neighbours' distraught
And their enemies' hidden faults
Despite their need for destruction

Nurses working day and night
Tending to injuries
Without electricity
Babies born without anaesthesia
Even when tired, they still don't give up

Finally, the civilians,
Every day, they grew up in war
Watching and witnessing
From homes stolen and destroyed,
To loved ones martyred
Even still, they are brave ones

Never gave up,
Never surrendered to the odds
Never let their faith down
Because no matter what, they knew death isn't the end
The Almighty is with them
Giving them better than anything in this life
After all, this life is a test

And in the end, freedom will come

And that's why they are the true heroes

Thoughts and Words for PalestineWhere stories live. Discover now