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Maybe Marjorie is right. In the last two and a half hours, I've done nothing but worry about the bad things that could happen to my family. Maybe thinking positive might help or even save my family from danger. Huh? If only I knew how to be positive.....


The Ninjago Highschool students arrived back at Ninjago Highschool. Everyone immediately walked down the bus and sighed as they saw the school building ahead of them. Miss Grace instructed her students to form a line as they will all return back to their classroom.

In less than 30 minutes or so, Alice's class slowly walked back to their classroom and sit down on their desks. Almost half of the day has been wasted and there's only three hours left for the students to do some schoolwork before they can all go home.

Miss Grace took a deep breath as she tried to begin class again. She looked at the class and found that two of her students are missing. She cleared her throat before asking, "Has anyone seen Kai and Nya Smith?" The class gave her puzzled and confused looks. They shook their heads and shrug their shoulders in response which made the women sigh in disbelief. She gave one last look at the students in front of her before turning her head to the white board as she began to write something on it.


After three hours of class, I stretched my arms and legs as Marjorie and I walked out the school halls to our lockers. "Ugh, my arms and legs are cramped plus my back hurts from all the sitting." I groaned, receiving a light chuckle feom Marjorie. "I'll say, but what's even worse is that we have long hours of homework back at home. My back will probably stiffen from all the sitting and leaning." She added while closing her locker door.

We chatted for a good 10 minutes when a phone ringing broke our conversation. It was Marjorie's phone. Marjorie took her phone out of her bag and answered the call. "Yes dad?..... I'm fine..... Yes class is now finished..... My driver will be here soon?..... Oh okay..... Of course, I will prepare myself..... Yes, I'll see you later..... Goodbye." She hung up and put her phone back inside her bag.

"What's going on? What happened?" I asked her while we both walk outside the school. "Apparently, my dad has guests later and we will be having dinner with them." She answered with a sigh. I was confused. "And this bothers you?" I asked, completely puzzled by her answer. "Well of course because I hate grown up business dinners and my dad wants me to act as elegant as I could in front of the guests. He told me to dress elegantly, act graceful and talk differently when I talk to other rich people's kids." She said with a frown.

Woah. I didn't even know rich parents can be that controlling to their children.

"So basically, your dad wants you to act differently when you meet business people?" I asked and she nodded with a hum. "Mmhmmm. Which also means, later on my hairstylist will have to straighten these curls. My dad hates it when my hair is this curly, especially when there are guests." She fussed while rolling her eyes.

"But how do you manage to keep your hair curly like this?" I asked in confusion. "Well, I curl them myself silly." She replied with a little laugh.

"What about your mom? Does she order you to act differently too when she has guests?" I asked her again which she only shook her head. "Nope. My mom is a lot different than my dad. While my dad is strict and very bossy, my mom is gentle and let's me do things that I like." She answered, grinning to herself.

An Odd Encounter | A Ninjago Movie Fanfiction  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin