"I get it so you got married about give or take 2 years ago" roman asks

"yeah we ran off and got married and let me tell you our families are still mad at us" harry says laughing

"I bet so tell us I know you have said it before how did you and louis is his name how did you meet" roman asks as harry says how harry and louis met "and are you telling us the truth"

"yes I cant lie he will call you" harry says laughing

"so what made you run off and get married" roman questions

"well louis planned a weekend get away for us just me and him and it just happened" harry says laughing

"ohh you don't want to give us details" roman says

"no I want to keep that for us" harry says

"ok fair enough" roman says "before I let my listeners ask you questions I want to know a few months ago there was pictures posted of you at the zoo but what got everyone talking was that louis is over protective off you why"

"well I mean other than the obvious I mean louis is over protective of me he is always nervous when we go somewhere specially when we have our kids with us but luckily we have not had any issues" harry says

"so who is worst" roman asks

"louis" harry says laughing as louis laughs and points to himself

"ohh louis is pointing to himself" roman says laughing "want to come and sit and talk to us"

"umm umm" louis says nervously

"don't be scared its like talking to friends" roman says as louis sits next to harry and puts the ear phones on "so louis tell us why are you so over protective of harry"

"I mean he is still harry styles pop star and I don't want anything to happen to him" louis says "and I saw this video and it said that a king is over protective of his queen because the queen is over protective of her king and harry is right I worry a lot when we are out in public but I mean we have been lucky nothing has happened and I mean there are times when harry takes pictures and interacts with his fans but there are times when he doesn't I think that is a good balance since right now our time with harry is limited and harry wants to spend as much time with the kids as he can"

"so you have 2 kids Freddie and darcy can you tell us about them" roman asks

"freddie he is just like harry" louis says as he tells roman about Freddie

"what about darcy" roman asks

"you that saying that says the second child is the one that will test you well darcy is that second child I mean she is calm but I swear she is going to be the one that test every bit of my short patience" louis says laughing

"leave my princess alone" harry says laughing

"ohh I thought louis was your princess" roman questions

"since Darcy was born I was demoted" louis says laughing

"you are my queen and darcy is my princess" harry says

"awwww" roman says laughing

"so tell us harry I know that you can be a jealous person are you that way with louis" roman asks

"yeah but louis is worst than me" harry says

"what" louis says as he laughs "im not one who is jealous but I am territorial jealous means I think you can take my man territorial means you just need to know that's my man"

"see" harry says laughing.

"man I thought harry was bad" roman says "so now does that mean that you don't harry out of the house"

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