i followed him easily. "you can't know that," he barely looked in my direction; reaching out to move a piece of hair from my face before turning back to the lake. "can't or shouldn't?" he shot me a glare without moving his head. i changed my gaze to the lake too. there really wasn't anything around us; like no one knew this was even here. the drop was short, maybe twenty or so feet. sunlight glistened on the water for fractions of a second; constantly fighting with the heavy clouds in the sky.

it remind me that eren didn't burn or sparkle in the sunlight. "so sunlight... i haven't seen you wither away yet," i made my tone easy, hoping to lull him into answers. "that's not even funny," he titled his back further, moving his arms to support him.

"it's just draining. spending more than a few hours in it feels like running a marathon." for the first time since we had left for rose, eren looked tired. like the mere thought exhausted him. he had kept his eyebags throughout the trip, but they suddenly looked heavier than usual.

"how discomforting," i teased him, which earned me a light shove to the shoulder. "and why haven't you ever bit into me?" he kept his gaze on the scape in front of us, but his eyes slitted. "fangs have venom, i have no control over it. if i ever nicked your skin, you'd turn."

i reached out to his face, pulling his lip up. "it's that easy?" i asked, looking at his teeth. they were normal; so fangs only came out with bloodlust. i retracted my hand when i realized how still eren was. "yeah," he responded after having control over his mouth again.

i wondered if it hurt to turn. the topic of vampirism was still new to me; i didn't understand it. but for just a moment, i thought about being one. with eren. my brain had finally registered that i might continue to age, and eren wouldn't. don't be silly, i shivered, he doesn't even see you like that. "are you dead?" i couldn't stop myself from yearning for more scraps of information.

he laughed loudly, but there wasn't any humor in it. "no," he answered quickly before going silent again. neither of us looked at each other. "my body circulates the blood i drink," he responded after what felt like minutes in silence.

everything about eren's habits finally made sense, "so that's why you look dead when you haven't fed." there's nothing to really pump after a while. "who do you feed from?" i voiced the thought, remembering the image of him sucking on another girl's neck. i could see his eyes peek over at me, but he didn't respond.

now i was really concerned, "who!" my heart beat a little faster. he shook his head, looking down at his legs that hung over the edge. a chuckle left his lips; but it twisted with a groan of disgust. "jean," he muttered it so softly, i wouldn't have caught it if i wasn't so familiar with the sound of his name.

"huh?!" my brows were furrowed at the revelation. i turned my body to look at him in surprise. jean?! i knew they were lying about their history, but i couldn't see today's jean feeding today's eren. "so what, he lets you drink from him?" if that's where eren was getting blood from; then jean had to be certain about what eren was. he made it seem like he had no idea. i guess, he couldn't really tell me anyway. i hadn't told him either.

"no!" eren looked to me, almost with a fearful expression. "god no, he pours it in a glass." he shook his head again, like he was disturbed he told me in the first place. his lip twitched, like he had the thought of feeding directly from jean. "if i started doing that, would you take mine?"

"no, i won't drink yours," again his answer came quick. it came so naturally; like he had already spent a lot of time thinking about it. i couldn't help the ebb of pain i felt rise in me at yet another refusal to drink my blood. why does it bother me so much?

bloodsucker | eren jaegerWhere stories live. Discover now