thirteen - the arena + the capitol - believe

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viewing room:

we are all asked to exit the viewing room since it is already eight pm. not many things have happened that are too important other than that a girl had killed marcus. since earlier five more people have died. that means that only thirteen people are left. including ophelia.

it pains me to have to leave. this is because it means that opehelia will be left all alone in the arena. i will have no idea if anything happens to her until the morning.


"hey coriol. it's late are you hungry?"

"yes, i am quite hungry. thanks tigris"

"here you go" she mumbles as she sets down a plate with a small salad and potatoes.

"how is she?"

"she is still alive. i don't know if she will make it through the night though."

"why's that?"

"a group of tributes are out to get her."

"and you think they will. get her i mean"

"they are the best ones in that arena even they were each on their own. now that they are in a group, they are extremely deadly. she's on her own. and now especially. i can't even help her since i cant see what's happening."

"i believe in her. she seems like quite a powerful woman"

"it's not that i don't believe in her, it's the amount of tributes who have already teamed up and know where she is. they are out to kill. but they really want to kill her."

"that is unfortunate."

"it is, isn't it?"

"i hope, but i truly do think, that she can survive this. or at the least, tonight."

"i do too."

the arena:

my eyes slowly drift shut. my body is held up by one of the beams, but i'm still pretty much out in the open. if someone gets into the room i'm in, i'm pretty much dead within a minute.

the hallway is silent and the only thing that i can hear is the dripping water. it's calming. i rest for a while. at least a couple of hours. it's only when i move that a sharp pain occurs in my arm. i look down and i realize that i had never treated the wound that i had gotten from the knife and the start of the Games.

i wince a little as my fingers brush against it. i stand and walk over to the puddle. i dip my finger tips into the water and rub them against the cut. i try not to make noise but the pain is clear on my face. not that anyone is watching now anyway.

my eyes tear up but i don't let anything fall. i clean it up as best i can with what i have. i move over to my previous spot and sit back down.

sleep overtakes me. i gladly let it. my head fills with thoughts from the day. luckily none drift into my sleep.

i sleep for a little while until i hear clear, but light footsteps. only one set. not any more than that. only one person is coming. the footsteps quicken and my head moves over to the door. it is on the other side of the room but is still visible from my spot.

someone comes through the hole quickly. the girl who i believe is called by the name of wovey appears through the hole. she stands up and starts to walk to the side of the room that i am on. when she spots me her face drops. fear fills her expression.

"i won't hurt you. i promise" i stand up slowly and step back so that she sees that i'm not a threat.

"i didn't realize someone was already in here."

"oh it's alright. it was getting a bit lonely anyways"

just from nine: coriolanus snow and his tribute Where stories live. Discover now