I dont have a title.

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~Jake's POV~
I, Jake English has just admitted to Dirk Strider that I was gay. Pretty much.

He said he loves me back.

" I love you too, Jake "

I read the text over and over in my head.
I wasn't dreaming. He really did love me.
What do I do? Do I ask him to be my boyfriend? Do I ask him on a date or something? I'm not good with kind of stuff!

BUZZ, a text from Dirk

" Would you like to go out on a date with me English?"

Thank Goodness, perfect timing.

I text him back. " Sure. "

Buzz " I'm glad you told me English, I was sure you were strait. "

" No, I'm a full on circle. Totally gay. "

" Lol. Ok then, see to tomorrow at 7:30?"

" Sure Strider :B "

" Love you. "

" Love you too Dirk. "

I laid my phone on my stomach and put my hands on the back of my head. "Chilling" I guess you could say.

I have a date with Dirk tomorrow. I practically fanboyed my heart.

Might as well get some sleep. Don't want to be tired. I close my eyes and fall into a relaxing slumber. Dreaming of my prince.

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