Chapter 1

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(I literally reread some chapters and uhm.... Wtf.... I am crying bro it's so bad. I swear I have better future ideas. With no grammatical errors and more time put into it. This was just written as a joke and in a rush. I didn't expect so many views tbh... Thank you though <3)

"I heard there's a new boy joining." Hyunjin said approaching his best friend's (Lee Minho's) desk."Okay... And?" Minho asked confused. "Maybe you can make another friend other than me." Hyunjin replied laughing. Minho just rolled his eyes.

"I'm being honest though. I'm not the only person that exists. You need to make more friends. You don't like hanging out with my other friends either. No wonder people think you're cold." Hyunjin continued in a serious tone.

Minho talked to a lot of people but never really got close to them. Of course in this case Hyunjin was an exception. They knew each other other the best. That and the fact that Hyunjin didn't give up until he made Minho want to get to know each other other more. They were the attractive, quite popular and talented duo in their school. Another thing that got them closer was also their mutual passion for dance. They both have been dancing since they remember and neither of them lost their love for dance.

Hyunjin also had some other close friends. Felix a boy from his art class. Which Hyunjin secretly admired. (a/n sorry if you like other ships like changlix or others;-;)There were also Changbin and Bangchan from his P.E class.

And lastly, Seungmin and Jeongin. They were friends even before joining college. Their friend group also used to consist of Jisung but he unfortunately left 2 years before joining college. He had to leave his beloved friends behind due to some family problems. They tried staying in contact but slowly lost communication because of their busy schedules.

"What do you think he looks like? Do you think he's cute?" Hyunjin asked out of nowhere. 

"Why? Are you trying to get over your little crush cause he doesn't like you?" Minho smirked amused. Hyunjin put his hand on his heart and made a shocked face acting hurt.

 "Of course he likes me." Hyunjin confidently said crossing his arms over his chest.Hyunjin knew he was attractive. He could make anyone fall in love with him if he wanted to. But he never played with anyone's feelings. This being another reason Minho appreciated him for.

" Are you sure you're not saying that to make yourself feel better? We both know Felix's visuals are also jaw dropping." Minho continued still slightly amused. He watched Hyunjin's facial expression. It's like he automatically went in a trance when he heard Felix's name.

But, he quickly snapped out of his trance when the teacher walked in. Everyone sat in their seats and the teacher began talking. "Today I will present you our new student," as soon as she said that a boy walked in the classroom. "Everyone this is Han Jisung please welcome him kindly and be nice."

The boy was wearing a baggy black hoodie and black, slightly, oversized ripped jeans. He was wearing elegant thin rimmed round glasses. His eyes looking down but every time he looked up Minho saw how his eyes sparkled. His lips soft and hydrated. His hair a shade of light brown and curly-ish.

At some point Minho caught himself staring for too long. He shook his head quickly looking anywhere but at the new boy.

"Hello." Jisung quietly said while respectfully bowing down. "The only seat left is next to Minho you can sit there." the teacher pointed to the chair next to Minho.

He started walking to Minho's desk. "Jisung?" he stopped in his tracks and looked around to see who said his name. His eyes widened, slightly getting emotional. "Hyunjin?" he replied. Hyunjin still slightly in shock processed the fact that his childhood friend that he had lost contact with, was now in front of his eyes.

"Okay.... everyone in their seats please." the teacher interrupted making Jisung go an finally sit down next to...Minho.

Jisung sat down slightly bowing his head respectfully making Minho mirror his action. They got their books ready paying attention to the teacher. Jisung stole glances at Minho from time to time. He couldn't help but notice Minho's perfect side profile. Perfect nose, healthy hair. His beautiful eyes. His lovely cute rosy lips. His- "What are you looking at?" Jisung was so concentrated in taking in his perfect features he didn't realize Minho was staring back at him. "Ummm n-nothing. Sorry." Jisung stuttered, a tint of pink creeping up on his cheeks and down his neck.  He quickly focused back to the lesson but only with his eyes. his heart beat so loud he was scared Minho could hear it. Minho saw how flustered he was and felt kinda bad for sounding so rude. 

*time skip*

As soon as the lessons finished the first thing Hyunjin done was go to Jisung and give him a strong happy hug. As soon as he realized what happened Jisung reciprocated the hug. Trying his best to keep his tears from falling. "The first thing we have to do is find Seungmin and Jeongin. I can't wait to see their reaction" Hyunjin suddenly exclaimed excitedly. However, he didn't leave Minho behind. Forcing Minho to come with him. "Come on, for once atleast try to talk to my friends please!" Hyunjin whined to Minho. Knowing Hyunjin won't give up, Minho finally gave in.

They found Hyunjin's whole friend group really quickly. They were in the same place as everyday, waiting for eachother there so that they could go have lunch together. No one noticed them except Jeongin which almost immediately recognised the other boy standing next to Hyunjin. He couldn't even move as tears dropped furiously from his eyes. The others looked at him confused and worried. "JISUNG" He nearly screamed as he ran to him. wrapping his hands around his childhood beloved friend. Jisung couldn't keep it in anymore. He cried into Jeongin's shoulder and then pulled away, looking for Seungmin.

 "NO" Seungmin warned. Seungmin could deny it how much he wanted but the truth was he missed his 'ray of sunshine' so much. But as always he put up his guard not letting a bit of his emotions out. Unfortunately for him, Jisung knew him too well. He went and hugged him in the warmest hug anyone could receive. He snuggled his face in Jisung's neck to not let the others see the tears that fell from his eyes. 


This chapter is kinda short. sorryyyyy!!!! I think all the chapters are gonna be quite short tho....

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter.  i have no idea where this story will get or how it's gonna get there, but i'll go with the flow. I dont have the whole plot or story planned out so what you are reading is straight from my head. Anyways.... I hope you liked the first chapter!!!



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