"Well, we're left alone, honey. - said the blue-eyed girl in a sweet voice, informing that Alison's companion had run away to nowhere and left her for dead.

Her relatives watched the entire scene from the Capitol. Haymitch couldn't believe what he saw. He knew his oldest niece was dangerous when she got angry, but he had never seen her like this. She was ready to murder in cold blood to avenge her friend.

When she killed before, you could see the remorse in her eyes, and more than once you could read it from her lips when she whispered to her victims, silently, I'm sorry, but now... Now she had no mercy at all.

The blonde sat next to his best friend in terror, not taking his eyes off the TV screen.

Tristan, sitting next to the man, was also afraid of what was happening in the arena. He saw Hope angry once. It was the moment when everyone tried to comfort her after her father's death. Things that shouldn't have been flying around the rooms. Now he saw pure fury. A lovely, helpful and obliging girl turned into a killing machine. A machine hungry for revenge that will not rest until it completes its vendetta.

"I haven't seen Hope so angry since..." Veronica began numbly, sitting on Tristan's right.

-Since Eric died. - finished Haymitch, resting on the other side of Tris on the couch.

— No one could get close to her without getting hit in the head by something. - added the black-haired man.

It was September 7th, Hope Sparks' fifteenth birthday, but instead of celebrating it, she found herself in a cemetery.

In the center of the entire gathering was the coffin in which Eric Thomas Sparks lay.

His family stood closest, his son, Victor Eric Sparks, nestled in his father's best friend, Tristan Stefan Scott, his youngest daughter, Mercy Faith Sparks, resting in the arms of his father's cousin, Veronica Dominici Styles, oblivious due to her age, and Hope Vittoria Sparks standing with with a straight face next to her late mother's brother, Haymitch Logan Abernathy.

The eldest daughter stood straight as a string, not letting us know that a part of her had just died. Eric and Hope were like one person. Where there was one, there was another.

Eric Sparks wasn't just her father. He was her best friend and a big part of her.

Everything she learned, she learned from him. He was there for her at every moment of her life.

He was the one who promised to always protect her. Be there for her. Stand faithfully by her side. And at that moment he wasn't there.

First her mother, now her father. She was left alone with her two younger siblings.

When the time came, everyone who was close to Eric would place roses on his coffin.

Tristan placed the first white rose first, followed by Victor. Veronica was next, placing two roses, then Haymitch followed, placing two flowers as well, in memory of his deceased sister. Finally, Hope left the family.

She no longer kept a straight face, she gave vent to her emotions. Tears flowed from her cheeks and her hand touched the lid of the coffin.

— You promised you wouldn't leave me and would protect me. - a quiet whisper came from her mouth. - You didn't let me say goodbye. I don't hate you at all, daddy...

The white rose that the others had, however, was not in Hope's hand. My father asked for white roses in his will. No one knew why, but the redhead had red eyes. She knew perfectly well that her father hated those white flowers with all his heart, so she specifically asked for red ones. There was no objection, after all, he was her father and she wanted to commemorate him differently.

HOPE DIES LAST | finnick odair (ENGLISH)Where stories live. Discover now