Next morning.
Goenka mansion.
Aarohi were preparing Ruhi. Aditya was waiting for them as today Aarohi and Aditya are going to spend their day with Ruhi.

Ruhi: Mumma can you go eat ice cream..

Aarohi: of course.

Ruhi: Buying toys.   

Aarohi: of course... we will do anything you want.

Ruhi smile.
Ruhi: You are the best....

Aarohi comb her hair

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Aarohi comb her hair.
Aarohi: And done. Let's go.
Aarohi carry Ruhi on her arm downstairs....Aditya smile looking at them.
Aditya kiss Aarohi forehead then Ruhi.

Aditya: So are you both ready...

Ruhi nodded excitedly

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Ruhi nodded excitedly....

Aditya: Then let's go

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Aditya: Then let's go.
They went in the car.
Aditya drive to shopping mall.

Birla mansion.
Abhimanyu was preparing everything as Maya and Aaira were coming over.

Abhimanyu went to get Abhir ready.
Abhimanyu: I invited your friend.

Abhir: Aaira?

Abhimanyu: Yes...

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