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Though you had practically just met, there seemed to be an immediate connection between the 3 people, two harbingers and one a new one, even if not declared so yet. Currently, the two of you, consisting of the Balladeer and you, were walking through the hallways of the Fatui headquarters, in order to get to the room the tsarista was in to start your trial. 

" Hm, I don't find you that annoying. I guess you're...tolerable.." the purple haired man said as he cast you a side glance, his head slightly tilted down as you were in fact shorter than him, but just barely. What seemed to irritate him was the sound of hurried footsteps behind him, echoing in the hallways, then came the frantic yelling. 

" Hey hey!! You can't leave your best friend behind like that!! What if I would have been ambushed!!?!" Childe yelled out, catching up while panting, annoyingly hooking his arms around the female and male in front of him in an attempt to find something to rest on, which only irked Scaramouche more. 

" OI!! GET YOUR FILTHY DOG FUCKING, VIRUS INFECTED HANDS OFF OF ME- FUCKING GINGER ! " Scaramouche yelled out as he grabbed Childe's arm, twisting it under his arm and twisting Childe's arm at an almost unnatural angle.

You deadpanned, watching Childe squeal like a girl and act like he wasn't hurt at all, which was obviously seen past by the ex-protector of Liyue looking up at the taller ginger haired male and eye to eye with the purple haired male.

" OW OW OW OW- HEY!! COMERADES ARE SUPPOSED TO STICK WITH EACH OTHER- THIS IS NOT HOW YOU TREAT YOUR BOYFRI-" Childe yelled out as Scaramouche slammed him against a wall, the ginger's chest hitting the wall and his one arm- well now two when you had so kindly and gracefully slipped out of Childe's grasp as Scaramouche was repeatedly kicking Childe's ankles, since he really couldn't do much more than that. It was clear in the room at Childe's playful remarks, even while being beat up, that he probably had a pain kink of some sort. 

You grimaced at that, sighing as you yourself irked, crossing your arms as you tried to drown out the sounds and wait the encounter out.

"WE ARE NOT FRIENDS. NOT COMERADES. NOT YOUR BRO. NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND- I WOULD NEVER EVER THINK OF TAKING ON SUCH A FILTHY ROLE, AND HONESTLY I WOULD RATHER KILL MYSELF THAN DATE THE LIKES OF YOU!! " Scaramouche said in all one breath, seeming to shock no one in the hallway but you. Did the lung capacity of humans go up in a single year? 

You had a slightly flabberghasted expression as Childe looked completely unfazed- you figured he was kind of dumb anyway. Snapping out of your expression when you heard a voice snap in your direction, averting your gaze to Scaramouche as he drove his elbow into the small of Childe's back, making Childe arch his back and cackle.

" YOU GOT A PROBLEM??!?!? YOU TOO HUH?!?! " Scaramouche yelled out at you, in which you deadpanned and shook your head, making an 'X' with your arms, not wanting to associate yourself with a fight right now. In fact, you'd much rather get to this so called 'trial' and get it over with so you could get out of here.

A harbinger? In all honesty, you had no idea what that was. You just knew that it would get you out, and you would no longer have to be in that cell, not even being able to remember the day before after the strange blue haired man had injected something into your arm, " Food " he had called it.

C'mon you weren't that dumb. You just decided to play along for a while, until well..you forgot what you were playing along to. What you had presumed to be an act, turned into you, reality and delusional thoughts mixing together, making up your new personality. 

And no, it definitely was NOT suspicious how easily you, Scaramouche, and Childe  had managed to click together. And it definitely was NOT super suspicious that you had seen a flicker of recognition pass through Childe earlier, you had to commend his acting skills though, as he'd played it off pretty well actually.

" I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M WASTING A WHOLE FUCKING MINUTE HERE WITH YOUR DUMBASS- YOU KNOW WHAT!??! LETS JUST GO. DIE IN A FUCKING HOLE. " Scaramouche said with a large huff before deliberately landing a pretty hard kick in the middle of Childe's back, earing a grunt from the taller ginger haired male before Scaramouche stomped down the hall.

You sweatdropped at the indent of a human left in the wall in Childe's wake as you glanced between the male with his face stuck in the wall and the one storming off, choosing to run towards Scaramouche instead only to be slightly jump scared by Childe appearing next to you in seconds, his hand on his shoulder as he twisted his arm in a circle, looking cheerful, grinning, and looking otherwise completely unfazed if you didn't look at his bleeding forehead.

'How...how very normal...'  You thought as you ran to catch up with the shorter male's footsteps banging down the hall, eventually stopping in front of these two grand doors with Fatui soldiers, which you recognized by the bodies of your earlier..victims..?

Upon seeing Scaramouche and Childe, they bowed, speaking in a synchronized tone in greeting before pushing the large doors open, revealing a table with many other..very imposing people sitting at it. 

At the end of the table though, sat a very elegant looking man, though he looked mean. There were many other figures occupying the table, one of them having a bird mask and light blue hair, but you just couldn't put a finger on where you had seen him before. Perhaps he passed by you in the halls? Alas..you could not remember. 

'Ah..so she did in fact lose her memory. Good..good...' A certain harbinger, or more specifically, the 2nd ranked harbinger thought to himself as he made a mental note of your current situation in response to his tests. He'd never had a subject that survived that long after the first couple injections, and after testing your blood and analyzing it, he had come to the conclusion that you were probably an adepti of some sorts, due to the dragon tail as well.

The man at the end of the table opened his mouth to speak, everyone immediately going quiet as Childe and Scaramouche went to their respective seats, leaving you standing as the two large doors shut behind you and you calmly looked on and forward. 

" Now that everyone is present, let the meeting commence." 


A/N: Schedule??? What schedule???? No I don't take 2 month long breaks and come up out of no where !!!!!!!!!!!!! IM JOKING 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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