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Oh how you hated the fatui..they just had to raid the boat the day that the stuff was at the stuff was getting loaded off, including your polerarm. Hand to hand combat against lots of fatui soldiers without your adeptal powers or use of vision was hard, why didn't you use your vision you may ask? It's because you channeled all your power into the Jade chamber, and it would take some time to recover. But alas, everybody goes down at some point. That's that's where we are now. Sitting in a jail cell that belongs to the fatui, the glistening bars laughing at you with their shine as the stood tall and strong. You sat the the opposite end of the cell, hugging your knees to your chest.

Often times, some guy with blue hair and a bird mask came by and stuck needles into you, and day by day, experiment by experiment, you started to forget things. Your name, your power, your friends, family, everything. Often, you overheard people talking about the " perfect soldier."

' Oh, more needles then. How fun. ' You thought to yourself. The pain of these needles were nothing compared to what you felt in the past, if you could even remember it that is.

Suddenly, there was a rude knock on the bars of the cell. " Hey! Get up prisoner! " a gruff voice yelled out, causing you to lazily look up. Shit, black dots were even crossing your vision right now from the lack of well..everything. Sure, Adepti didn't eat or sleep, but you still needed at least something every once in a while.

Sighing, you begrudgingly rose to your feet, pressing your hands to the wet, cold, and cracked floor of the Fatui cell and stood up. You walked over to the cell, and it was opened by a lowly Fatui soldier, who then proceeded to harshly push you out from behind.

" Walk faster prisoner!! " the Fatui agent said from behind. In an instant, that ignited a fire within you. You quickly turned around,  merely spinning on your f/c heels, and used the bottom of your heel to stab through the soldier's stomach. 'Shulck! ' goes the heel and ' kaput ' goes the poor souls heart.

He fell to the floor, gasping as blood pooled out of his stomach. He was bent on his knees, the blood seeping through his black gloved hands, one hand on the floor to somewhat stabilize himself.

You clicked your tongue in pure annoyance and disgust. " Don't put your filthy hands on me, vermin." You said menacingly, glaring down at him as your eyes flickered from e/c to light blue, then back to e/c to serve as a warning. You scoffed, kicking the body over, which was still alive right now, not for long though. " Disgusting.." you muttered to yourself as you saw red spill out everywhere, pooling in the shape of a kidney bean beneath he man. A clean, silver dagger hung at the waist of the Fatui soldier, shimmering in all its glory. You could even see your reflection in it! Sighing, you bent down and carefully yanked the dagger off, as to not get blood on yourself.

As soon as you had the small knife in your hands, you took a step back, and disregarded the dying man behind you, inspecting the dagger between your fingers. It was clean, unused, yet, the dagger looked like it's seen many things, oddly enough. You ran your pale, long skinny fingers along the surface of the blade, before turning to the sharp side and running your finger along the tip of it.

A small amount of crimson bloomed upon the knife, adding some color to your pale hands, much needed. " hm.." you said in thought, unfazed by the cut. " How cute." You said to nobody in particular and slid it into your cleavage, no questions on why. It was an easy access, and a good hiding spot, so why not!! Looking at the small amount of blood on your finger, holding back the urge to squish more out, you shook the blood off. It splattered against the once glistening bars of your cell, and made a small crimson dot on it. ' Pathetic, it needs more color.' Was your immediate first thought.

Maybe you hadn't realized, but since the experiments with the blue haired man stared, you've become much colder, the warmth you used to radiate simmered into something far more sinister,  it that you'd ever realize anyway. Hell you could barely remember what your name was- how are you supposed to remember who you used to be?!?

" Oh, that was loud..wasn't it.." you said as you heard the loud pattering of other feet rushing in your direction, yet, you simply stood in place. " How..annoying." You said as you glanced down at the man covered in blood. Maybe you should try escaping? But where would you go..

Your thoughts were cut off when you heard yelling behind you. " HEY- WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE-" yet another Fatui soldier yelled out before he met his ultimate demise.

" Shut up." you bluntly said, venom lacing your tone with a slight growl. ( THIS IS NOT A FURRY MOMENT ISTG ) All that was heard in the next second was a blade slicing through flesh, and a scream of agony. Your hand was outstretched in the Fatui member's way, a dagger imbedded deeply in the man's chest. Funny thing is, you didn't even look their way. " you're too loud." You hissed out as more came.

" And I just got that dagger too.." you muttered, sighing in slight dissatisfaction before shrugging it off as an oh well! The sound of your heels sounded in the cold, damp and quiet halls of the prison, other than the yelling of the other soldiers which was annoying you. You walked up to the body, the man was still alive, gasping and on his knees, hand hovering over the dagger in shock. You held a small smile, one that looked more evil than nice and sent shivers down his spine. He was so dead, and he knew it deep down. But, why not mess with him before everything ends!!!

You crouched down to his level, feigning concern in worry, bringing a hand to hover over your mouth as you gasped, eyes slightly wide and mocking. " Oh dear!~ Let me help you with that!~ " you said as you gently placed one hand to cup the soldiers cheek, and the other one pressing the soldier's hand onto the handle of the knife, wrapping your hand around his to apply pressure to it.

" Now don't move dear, we wouldn't want my finger to slip now, would we?" You said in a sickeningly sweet tone. The man's hand jerked in response, but the man stayed quiet. " hmm..? Nothing to say? Shame." You said, giving a small pout before pushing one hand forward, the one that was cupping the soldier's hand over the handle of the knife, pushing the dagger in further.

" Oops." You said, an evil smile spreading across your features revealing two small sharp set of fangs. " I warned you, didn't I?" You said, raising an eyebrow before harshly twisting the knife, hearing the flesh twist along with it and the man scream before pulling the dagger out.



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