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" Can you walk any faster?" Scaramouche said as he irritably glanced back at you from his long strides. You seemed to be in deep thought, or maybe your eyes were just distant like that. He was never going to figure that out, and he quite frankly didn't care.

He continued to walk with you trailing behind, your bloody heel bottoms clicking with each of your movements along with the bounce of your hair. You clicked your tongue, scoffing. " I will go at my own pace, why don't you just slow down?" You said, glaring at him as he let out a low growl, stopping in his tracks. He clenched his fists by his side and he lowered his gaze to the disgusting cement floors.

" You-" Scaramouche said in a low growl, but you couldn't be bothered to even care as you averted you gaze to the other prisoners in the cell. A scrawny woman. She looked like she hadn't eaten or showered in years, let's be real, you haven't either but you looked fine. It was an Adepti thing. She hugged her legs to her chest, looking terrified with dirt all over her face.

Another presence caught your attention as you then heard a loud, cheerful, annoyingly deafening, carefree voice come from Scaramouche's direction. " My dear best friend Scaramouche! Don't be mean to our new harbinger!~"

Scaramouche yelled out, but was ultimately ignored, the words just floating past and over Childe's head.

You turned your head, only to be met with ocean blue ones, staring right back at you.  Like literally, centimeters away from your face. You tilted yourself back, leaning your back and head away from his smirking face. You both held eye contact, this guy had no concept of personal space huh?

As your e/c orbs met his ocean like blue ones, you saw his eyes widen a bit and a flicker of recognition pass through them before it was replaced by that disgustingly handsome smirk of his.

He held his two hands behind his back while he leaned closer, and you leaned back more. This guy seemed familiar, you just couldn't put your finger on it. He knew, osial, and his time to time drinking buddy. But he couldn't mention it, it would be destroying his mission.

" Oh? She looks like a doll!~ Nothing like a murder machine!" Childe said, leaning closer with a smug expression. His terrifyingly handsome face centimeters from yours, if you simply moved just a little bit, you would be kissing already. You closed your eyes and clenched your teeth together, you tried to avert your gaze to the floor, but you couldn't even move in that position. If you took a step back, it would probably be an excuse for him to touch you by holding you back. So, you did the most reasonable thing you could think of. You brought your knee up to his stomach, lancing a powerful hit into his abdomen.

He was sent flying back in Scaramouche's direction, his head down and arms and legs flying in front of him. Scaramouche made a disgusted expression, quickly sidestepping instead of catching Childe, letting him slam into the wall. Scaramouche coughed twice, covering him mouth with a fist and waving his hand from side to side to clear the dust.

As for you, you still stood with your leg up and a disgusted expression displayed on your smooth face. Eventually, the dust cleared and his figure came into view. His arms were splayed out and he was sitting in the rubble, his hair hiding his face as a clump of rubble fell on his head and bonked him.

" Ugh...what is with you people and walls...?" Childe groaned out, slowly lifting himself up and peeling himself from the rubble.

You slowly lowered your leg and let your foot finally make contact with the concrete floors again, dusting your clothes off, and more specifically your knee, which made contact with him.

" I think I'm infected.." you said, much to Childe's dismay, just to add insult to injury. An imaginary arrow landed in his head, making him sweat drop.

"You probably are, I'd get that checked out if I were you." Scaramouche added from beside Childe, deliberately standing out of the way of all the rubble with his arms crossed. Another arrow stabbed itself into Childe, making himself lower his head in shame from getting insulted by his own comrades.

Scaramouche turned his head to the wall, inspecting the damage as you didn't move. Scaramouche bent down to see the full damage, but Childe finally up and stretching his arms and legs. He stretched his arms over his head, letting out a satisfactory groan before a huge closed eye smile adorned his face. He put one of his hands on his hips and turned to you, his other arm limply hanging by his side.

" Wow girly! You pack a punch!! Man, your strong and beautiful! I know! We should go out on a d-" Childe was saying before somebody slapped the back of his head. Hard. The sound resounded through the cells. There was nothing but silence after that, Childe literally looked completely unaffected, still smiling and everything. Scaramouche was on the tip of his toes to land that hit, and the silence became awkward and deafening.

Each second that went by irked Scaramouche more and more, and eventually, he broke the silence completely with his yelling.

" THE TSARITSA IS WAITING STOP WASTING OUR TIME YOU STUPID GINGER!!" Scaramouche yelled and started storming off towards the exit or the jailing.

" Wait for me." You exclaimed out, quickly running over as to not be left with a creepy ginger dude. The two of you quickly walked, or rather one stomped and the other was simply speed walking, leaving Childe looking at the two of you in confusion, and other emotions he couldn't decipher. He just stood for a moment before the sound of the metal doors opening and closed snapped him out of his trance.

" HEY WAIT UP!!!" he said as he waved both of his hands in the air and started to run in the direction the two other harbingers left in.


A/N: I hate road-trips and I hate having no idea on what to write.

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