Bizarro Dreams EP 4 & 5

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Date of event: June 13, Wed - week 3 (year 1)


EP 4: Dragon - Invincible Fist and Shield

EP 5: Miraculous Friendship Revival


(Bizarro Dreams episodes 4 & 5)

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(Bizarro Dreams episodes 4 & 5)

[Seiya and Shiryu begin their fight right away. Shiryu then knocks Seiya. Seiya collapses. Shunrei suddenly shows up, and Shiryu takes note of her presence]

Shunrei – Shiryu!

Shiryu – Shunrei, what are you doing here?

Shunrei – Our master is dying!

Shiryu – For real? This can't be! Are you sure you're telling the truth? We're talking about an old man who's been sitting at the waterfall for over 200 years without moving an inch and is suddenly sick? That sounds suspicious. Anyway, we need to leave.

Seiya (gets up) Wait a sec? We're not done.

Shiryu – Of course, we're done. Once I use this, it'll be all over. (Shiryu prepares to attack and hits Seiya) Lushan Rising Dragon Lord! (turns to Shunrei) Okay, now we're done. Let's go.

Shunrei – He's getting up.

Shiryu – Impossible! Are you immortal or something?

Seiya – I have a reason not to lose this fight (attacks) Pegasus Meteor Punch!

[Shiryu blocks all of them with his shield however]

Seiya – No way!

Shiryu – See this? (shows off his shield) This dragon shield is the strongest thing ever; trust me, it won't be a recurring joke later on. This is the real deal because this was enforced by the Lushan waterfalls for thousands of years, making them stronger than diamonds. You can't easily break it.

Seiya – Oh yeah? You're all bark and no bite!

[Shiryu shatters Seiya's forearm piece. He follows up by an uppercut, Seiya collapses again]

Shiryu – My fist is just as sturdy as my shield. You can't shatter that, either.

Seiya (thinking) Okay if he has a sturdy fist and shield... Ah! I know this. I got this from training...

[flashback] Marin – Seiya, if an enemy has a sturdy fist and shield, break them together!

Nachi – Why is he getting up again?

Hyoga – He has a game plan, of course. One that came out of nowhere.

Shun – You mean he has figured it out?

Shiryu – You look like you know something... (gasp) Did you have a flashback on how to beat my fist and shield? Idiot! Do you get a flashback for everything?

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