chapter 1

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Beatrix sighed as she climbed out of the car, Klaus steadying her as she stumbled on some mud

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Beatrix sighed as she climbed out of the car, Klaus steadying her as she stumbled on some mud.

"This was not how I planned on spending my birthday." She mumbled sadly. She had just recently discovered that she had family that was like her, and she wanted to see them for her birthday. Unfortunately, a certain hybrid had other plans.

"Don't worry love, I think you'll like the present I got you." Klaus smiled as he wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders. When he'd originally came to Mystic Falls, everyone thought he was nothing but trouble. So did Beatrix, actually. He was the brother of Elijah, the charming vampire that was sweet on her best friend, Valentina. Until he died, of course.

But then Klaus and Beatrix bonded, and they became fast friends. That's why he brought her on the trip with him and Stefan. That and the fact that Beatrix was possibly the most powerful supernatural creature in history. She was a siren, which turned out to be a powerful witch, not just a singing mermaid. She was a strong asset to his team.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just get this over with." Beatrix rolled her eyes, pushing up her bra before strolling into the bar to flirt with the werewolf. She walked up to him, twirling her hair and smirking seductively at him. Ray smirked back, taking his eyes hungrily up and down her body, licking his lips. Beatrix restrained from rolling her eyes and gagging, feeling like a piece of meat being sold.

"And what's your name?" He smirked, getting closer.

"Well that's gross."

Beatrix gasped and turned around, smiling when she saw the ghost of her uncle, James Potter. She then frowned, making a mental note of figuring that out I'm later.

"Her name isn't as important as you, Ray." Klaus smirked, he and Stefan sneaking up behind the werewolf with an evil smile. Beatrix tan off the the bathroom, not wanting to look crazy when she started talking to someone that nobody saw. She locked the bathroom, sighing in relief as she sat down on the toilet lid.

"Well, this is cool."

Beatrix jumped, and sighed when she saw that it was James.

"Never been in a girl's bathroom before."

"How are you here, Uncle James? You're dead. And yes, I know that you're a ghost, but only Jeremy can see ghosts." As happy as she was to see her Uncle, she wanted answers. She hadn't been getting a lot of those ever since she had discovered that Sirius wasn't her father. No one wanted to tell her anything, and that frustrated her more than anything.

"Because you're more powerful than any student to ever attend Hogwarts. You overpower Tom Riddle! He was one smart kid."

"Wait a minute, I can see ghosts?" Beatrix tried to process this new information.

"Songbird, you can do anything you put your mind to." James attempted to cradle her face in his hands, but then remembered that he was just a ghost. "You are the mighty all powerful Siren. Remember that. And if people won't tell you something, find it out yourself."

"Come on Bea, we've got to go!" Stefan pounded on the stall door, and Beatrix rolled her eyes as she opened the door. "You shouldn't even be in here."

Beatrix walked out of the bathroom to see Ray bleeding out on the pool table, Klaus circling him like a vulture.

"Okay, it's a three step process, Ray." Klaus sighed, clearly getting frustrated but enjoying it at the same time. "This is step one. I want you to drink from my wrist."

"I already told you where to find the pack. What more do you want from me?" Ray panted heavily, clearly in a lot of pain.

"Have you been listening to a word I said, Ray? I have great plans for you." Beatrix sighed at the constant name mentioning. It was like Ray was Kate Winslet and Klaus was telling him how stupid he was. Klaus cut his wrist and made him drink his blood.

"You'll thank me for it later. There we go, attaboy!" Stefan arrived, probably after threatening his big brother.

"What are you going to do now?" Ray panicked, sounding extremely worried. Ha, as he should be.

"It's time for step two, Ray." Klaus smirked.

He twisted his neck, killing him and looked at Stefan. Stefan looked on with a blank expression.

"You're back." Klaus smiled.

"Did you doubt me?" Stefan frowned unemotionally.

"Not for a second. I knew you'd pass the test. You still care for your brother, for your old life." It was a test, Beatrix realised.

"Nah, I don't care about anything anymore." Stefan shook his head, thinking he had fooled Klaus. Beatrix smiled, watching the scene in almost amusement.

"You put on a good show Stefan. I almost believe you. Let's hope, for your brother's sake, he does. You never stop caring about family, do you? But, every time you feed, the blood makes it easier to let go."

Beatrix and Klaus stood in the woods, Klaus with his hands behind his back, he brought one of his hands in front of him, handing her a beautifully wrapped gift.

~~~Beatrix and Klaus stood in the woods, Klaus with his hands behind his back, he brought one of his hands in front of him, handing her a beautifully wrapped gift

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"Wow, this is huge, Klaus!" Beatrix gasped and grinned at the size of the gift.

"Open it then!" Klaus smiled eagerly, proud of his gift giving skills. Beatrix ripped off the wrapping paper, smiling fondly at the present inside.

 Beatrix ripped off the wrapping paper, smiling fondly at the present inside

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"Thank you, Klaus. This was really sweet." Beatrix smiled and gave the hybrid a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"It's my pleasure." Klaus smiled fondly as she walked towards the car. He had begun to grow a soft spot for the girl, she was almost like a baby sister.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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