A slave

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Megumi couldn't believe the fact that he was tied up in Sukuna's palace with a dozen of corpses. His place was the definition of bloodshed. It was a grand hall with a throne in the center with Sukuna sitting on it.

He looked carefree licking the blood on his finger while it dripped down his elbow. Occasionally cheking the corpses like they are his trophies. Megumi tried his best to not move a single muscle.

"Wondering why your tied up here" Sukuna asked calmly. Megumi knew Sukuna was talking to him but didn't answer.

"Your really talented, Megumi. I've seen very few people who were able to summon Mahoraga." Sukuna looked at Megumi curiously. He knew Megumi didn't want to talk now which made him even more eager for answers. He didn't easte ant time and spilt his intentions.

"I want to posses your body. This brat, Idatori Yuji, is pretty strong, I admit, but your better choice." He went towards Megumi who was sitting on the floor tied up.

"Be my vessel" Sukuna lifted Megumi's face to look at him. Megumi thought he would be seeing a menacing dehumanizing smile which was there too, but for some reason he found another emotion in those cruel eyes. He didn't understand what it was. Curiosity, worry, pity or no can't be love.

Megumi looked away and wondered whether he was overthinking or hallucinating. It wouldn't be wrong either cause Sukuna can manipulate if he wanted to.

"Is that a rejection?" Sukuna chuckled. "Alright, I gave you the chance to be my vessel and partner. Since you refused, now you'll be a slave" Sukuna looked over at a sorcerer, who was at the corner of the room looking at the whole scene. He was tall and muscular. He was wearing loosely hung black robes and had very sad looking eyes. The sorcerer immediately understood the instructions without Sukuna having to open his mouth and helped Megumi stand up and took him to a room.

It was a grand bedroom. Megumi didn't understand why he got such a royal room. He stared at the room, millions of thoughts running through his head. Were all servents of Sukuna treated this way? Is it so they will stay loyal? Wait he wasn't a slave, right? As he stood there in thoughts when the Sorcerer tried to pat Megumi's back.

Megumi moved away from the sorcerer. The sorcerer looked down at the red carpet floor. "I know you think I'm helping him. Although I'm a special grade sorcerer, my family is important for me. He kidnapped them and blackmailed me. Im sorry if I irritated you..." The sorcerer was about to leave. The whole time Megumi wondered whether this sorcerer was also part of sukuna's plan or if he was genuinely getting blackmailed by him.

"Sir, what's your name" Megumi asked knowing Sukuna could forcefully force a finger down his throat and make Megumi a vessel. Hedidn't need to play dumb tricks like this. "Pablo, kid you look young did you really summon Mahoraga?" He looked surprised. "I mean I've learnt a bit about Zenin clan and your one of the very few who can do  it. No wonder "the lord" was interested"  he said the words 'the lord' in purely forced way. Megumi thought he would give his life so he didn't think too much about it. But now he saw what he was able to achieve and gelt a bit better, but didnt show it.

"Yes Pablo. Im Megumi Fushiguro. I'll help you get your family safe." Pablo smiled and nodded. "When its possible" He left the room leaving Megumi alone.
Just as he was trying to make a plan in his head Sukuna came into the room. Megumi cut open the ropes and threw them at them at a side. He wondered why he wasn't killed or being used. He wanted to escape but he couldn't help but ask.

"Sukuna why are you being this kind. Why didn't you kill me? If it's to use me why didn't you do it already." Sukuna looked Megumi dead in the eye. Megumi didn't look away. He needed answers. All his friends were dying or dead. He was suppressing the urge to rip apart Sukuna's head.

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